You are fitting the pieces together nicely here in terms of our teachings and the growing understanding through the probings of your channel in providing more and more examples and useful knowledge to gain an ever clearer understanding of what is taking place, what needs to happen, and provide an incentive for people to respond to an awakening to raise their sights, inform them more effectively, and inspire them to take action to join those who are working on behalf of the cause of the divine. This is your cause, The Saving and Healing of Humanity, and even healing of the instigators, all of the dark spirits as well as extraterrestrial species corrupted before you came into existence. That is a tall order but a divine assignment if there ever was one because this problem stands in the way of progress for the entirety of creation if it is to expand meaningfully in new directions.
The fact it was left to you to handle was a necessary condition in order to prove or negate the feasibility of our plan to succeed. In other words, can all things gone wrong in the physical plane be dealt with, ultimately, through greater understanding and implementation of tools by members of the physical plane? If not, the entire enterprise, as an experiment, will have failed, and that will condemn our plan and its continued utility. This could force a reworking of the entire universe so that it would need to be dissolved and restarted in a new version with some adjustments made to restart the sequence of growth, heading in the same general direction but with a new and varied set of conditions and calibrations, building in hard-won lessons from all who contributed to the sum total of everything happening up to this point. The problem with this, of course, is it represents a gigantic setback for everyone and everything and for us as well.
The fact you are getting this information about the workings of evil in your midst and what is needed to change, not only provides the correct agenda to focus on but your channel has constructed, through his earnest probings for years now to better understand where problems come from and how to fix them, a set of healing tools, in the form of the Lightworker Healing Protocol, Deep Subconscious Mind Reset, and Empowered Prayer, which together are capable of turning the tide and achieving the victory we ourselves believe to be possible. All of human society have volunteered to incarnate on the Earth and to do so knowing it was the End Times presenting a final chance to change things for the better in a way that would be lasting and lead to victory. The scene is set, the players are in motion, the contest is underway, so now it is only a matter of time in achieving an ongoing effort to provide the level of healing needed to reach the ultimate turning point allowing the launching of an Ascension—that has long been foreseen but is not a given.
Humanity is not ready currently, nor will it be in time to avoid annihilation by the Extraterrestrial Alliance without an effective partnership with the divine by enough humans using the principles of these healing protocols and Empowered Prayer to call in a divine intervention capable of rescuing you once and for all. That will be a glorious event, indeed, not only for you but for those tormenting you because your success will mean theirs as well. This is because all the healing you generate, along with the practitioners of the protocols over the remaining years needed to get there, will ensure not only your escaping from the physical plane forever, but the protocols have set up conditions for all that healing to be repurposed to continue working on all in need, still, within your galaxy. This will eventually reach and raise up the dark ones causing the trouble and the necessity for your creation as a solution. The cycle will have come full circle through your handiwork and will prove the concept that extensions of our consciousness can be given greater reach and latitude to create on their own for the benefit of all because all things are interconnected and we sink or swim together. You are leading the way with our assistance, and this will be effective because you have been inspired and listened to that inspiration to partner with us. Together, we can win.
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