DWQA QuestionsCategory: Lightworker Healing ProtocolCan you tell us why our client’s dog, [name withheld], although improved, is still menacing their oldest child? Is this possibly a subsequent a new reawakening of karmic issues reaching the two of them as crosstalk from parallel lifetimes?
Nicola Staff asked 7 years ago
This, in fact, is the case, and has been orchestrated to come up at this point in time so that you will have this as a case study example for your book. This saga nicely illustrates the phenomena you were just asking about in your recent channeling, the phenomenon of parallel lives taking place in the Now, so past lifetimes are truly moving in parallel but there can also be within the varied timelines, situations when an event in the future of the past lifetime pops up during the current lifetime after healing for that karmic pattern has been dispensed. And that new event mimicking the previous pattern serves to reawaken in the current life the dilemma healed previously, through this crosstalk reaching the individual and re-wounding them, in effect. This is what is taking place between this girl and her dog. There has been a karmic history of abuse and this was done during a period when the client, now the daughter, was possessed by spirit meddlers ramping up cruelty within her and because of the pain of such an abusive life of her own, mimicked that behavior to inflict it on a dog under her control. And this pain became registered for all time in the akashic record as a wounding, making her responsible, and also linking her to that animal. Because pets have more psychic ability than their owners, it is common for them to see things in the akashic records of the people around them. And this is one of the reasons that animals will show fear inexplicably, with the arrival of a guest or a new acquaintance of their owner, who will be met with a chilly reception or hostility, whereas some are welcomed eagerly. It is not the majority of instances that people have had past lifetimes with that very animal, but will happen on occasion. And this is much more likely when the animal is within a family group, because the companion animals are often part of a soul collective or more than one soul collective, and so may return again and again with various humans they have lived with in the past. Particularly, this is so when there is healing needing to be done, because this is part of the life plan to clean up the karmic mess from previous lives. And so in this instance, it was planned for these two to be back together, to work through the need to show a different side of this girl and help her animal companion to heal from the previous wounding. It just so happened that after implementing your Protocol to take care of the strained relationship, there was a further intensification of the prior wounding in the past lifetime running concurrently, but which was advancing in terms of its reaching a future point with renewed maltreatment of the dog by the girl in that past life. Because of their current proximity, this wounding, when registered on the akashic records of the two, the energy went forth and found them in their current life in the physical and caused a reawakening of the tension and the fear within the dog. So the behavior continued. It was somewhat attenuated because the healing is directed in an ongoing fashion, so some healing has continued to be applied. But the new event in the future has taken place after the outreach to future that was done at the time of the Protocol application. This, in fact, as you are pondering during this channeling, is the main reason why reapplication of the Protocol is needed. When you send healing into the future, it can only heal the current future in existence within the parallel lifetimes, including the future of the current life itself. It cannot heal what has not yet happened in actuality if that event was not within the potential at the time of the healing session. So this is what has happened in this circumstance. The past history between the girl and the dog was healed, and the potentials currently within the parallel lifetimes, as well as the current life in the physical, received some healing attention. But after that was done, a further wounding was applied in the parallel lifetime you would consider past life, that popped up in an unanticipated way, and that served to send forward yet again the energetic signature of abuse and this put the dog on notice and it has simply been warning her to watch out and keep her distance. If you reapply the Protocol, it will once again take care of things. It may well need to be done again, as with other clients you have helped. This is simply because of the way the universe operates. The time domains add a great deal of complexity to things and this cannot be totally worked around. There needs to be some extra effort applied on occasion to overcome these difficulties.