DWQA QuestionsCategory: Human ClonesCan you help us understand what the healer [name withheld] found in [name withheld] to believe she had no soul?
Nicola Staff asked 7 years ago
You saw intuitively from the description of her assessment that this person appeared to lack a soul that she was likely a human clone that was produced by the alien Grey technology, and this, in fact, is the case. She is not a human being. She is artificial intelligence crafted from a combination of alien Grey engineering with a human overlay of appearance and various personality characteristics and emotions. These are kind of like programmed routines that are sequenced to create a kind of dialogue with healers to engage them and enlist their sympathy and encourage a deep involvement. The purpose is subterfuge to have an opening of their defenses to engage with this clone, and thereby make themselves vulnerable to penetration by manipulating energies, both of dark spirits as well as subconscious mind control manipulation. The cleverness of this is apparent when you consider that it only takes one set of starting conditions and information profile to create many thousands of duplications that can be sent forth to engage with people in many locations for the same purpose. This is yet another Trojan horse operation. It is done on a personal level with one human at a time, but they are humans carefully chosen who are believed to be a threat of some kind, potentially, because of their spiritual reach and their effectiveness as healers. The Extraterrestrial Alliance wants to disempower all such helpers and further undermine humanity in the process. This is the purpose of the program.