DWQA QuestionsCategory: Divine GuidanceCan you help us understand the importance and consequences of neglecting the Seventh Divine Principle: “Safeguard your soul to nurture its learning and growth, not at the expense of others but to meet your responsibility to be your soul’s guardian, and take care of its safety and protection from harm?”
Nicola Staff asked 6 years ago
Here again, we can point out the inherent addressing of the need for balance to not neglect the self and to cause no loss to others in serving the soul. This takes things to the deeper level inherent with the creation of the being and its meaning and purpose. On the deepest of levels, you are all a part of Creator and Creator’s consciousness and energy. There is no separation. In fact, you are, in effect, a physical part of Creator’s form. This carries with it many potential consequences and many obligations and responsibilities as well. If you allow harm to yourself or cause harm to others at a soul level, you, in effect, are striking at the very heart of Creator directly to cause a wound there. This is to widen the perspective of humans to understand that their history and heritage run very, very deep and they need to keep this in mind before carrying out any action that can cause harm in any way to any thing. That this can extend down to that deep root level and introduce a wound, an energetic discord that will demand healing at some point or consequences will ensue. The soul level is the deepest and most important aspect of the being because it represents the uniqueness of the self and its definition. It encompasses the makeup of the individual as an aspect of Creator and that signature or fingerprint determines many things about the individual and their future with respect to potential as well as the means to explore and express that potential. No two souls have the same agenda nor the same makeup and capabilities to excel at the same things. This creates variety and the widest possible variation of possibilities, and allows for many unique experiences that are a match to the soul makeup and potential to make great strides and create many new things that are an expression of individual talent and initiative stemming from the soul makeup. This gives a special kind of fulfillment, for it is the highest level of creative expression to use the makeup of the soul in its highest level of perfection to create something new. It will likely be unique and unmatched by others. This is why no human need feel inadequate and no human need judge another. You are seeing only the surface in the way humans live and are expressing themselves in the current physical world you inhabit. You are not seeing the totality of the person nor its potentials. All humans are divine, and all humans have greatness. The greatness is arrayed among you within, and to varying degrees and levels of interplay that create a unique makeup for each person and their soul. This is the least understood aspect of being—that when you judge others by their looks, their talents, their behaviors, their cultural background, and so on, you are only seeing surface characteristics, for the most part, and are completely unaware of their true depth. That is why safeguarding the soul and cultivating it and its yearnings are the most profound sacred duty because you are dealing with the essence of the individual at its deepest level and most comprehensive perspective. Learning to express and enrich the soul is the ultimate goal of the Art of Living.