DWQA QuestionsCategory: Spirit PossessionCan you help me understand the huge grief burdening my new client? Is this just in need of more time to process his wife’s passing months ago, and last month the passing of her mother, who had been living with them under their care for 12 years?
Nicola Staff asked 4 months ago
You already had a sense, intuitively, there was spirit possession involved, and that indeed is the case. It is the wife's mother, who failed to return to the light. So your new client is burdened by a heavy load of grief, indeed, not only his mourning for both the wife and the mother, but the personal feelings and frustrations of the mother now being a discarnate spirit that failed to return to the light from being out of alignment to begin with. She was also grieving the loss of her daughter who was married to your client and was missing her intensely, and this is being further inflamed by the mother's spirit being attached to him and sensing his grief as well. So your protocol work will be helpful in getting this truly on a healing path as that has been blocked because of this complication.