As we cautioned at the outset for him, his continued difficulty is a combination of the deeply ingrained imprint of the past horrors he has experienced, often directed at the throat area itself, causing cellular memory to recreate this past difficulty when the karma is stirred up, as well as the challenges of his life pitting himself against the interlopers, as he has done in many, many, prior lifetimes. It is the latter that has gotten him into such continued difficulty with a great build-up of karmic wounding, and this has largely remained unhealed from lifetime to lifetime. All of it is linked in some way to being a rebel, being an outspoken critic, being a seeker of truth who often is above the fray and, as a consequence, becomes a risk to the state because you have not been subjugated as thoroughly by mind control manipulation as most other individuals.
This is a deliberate orchestration of your makeup to help you remain impervious to such manipulation, so you can carry out your life mission of unearthing the misdeeds and the subjugation of humanity—all in order to help the cause of the light to move forward the divine agenda for humanity to expand and grow. This has resulted in a toll on you over time especially, as again and again you are wounded and all adds negativity and potential inner discord when you are under stress, because you have learned at all levels of your being that it is those stressful times that will end in your being rounded up, questioned under duress with frequent torture, and eventual murder or execution under very grisly circumstances. When one has undergone such catastrophic personal injury over and over again, this cannot help but create a very prominent energetic signature within the akashic records of being victimized and being vulnerable to the heavy hidden hand. This will begin to rumble when there are signs of risk or danger in your undertakings.
We have noted this in prior channelings asking about you and your welfare, that it will remain a risk for you to do such activities because this will most directly influence your well-being because it will stir the pot, so to speak, and begin to reawaken many past times of pain and suffering that resulted from taking on the powers that be. As your current life is very much in this mode, it can be expected to put you at greater risk for old karmic wounds reopening. That is what has happened with regard to the throat symptoms being very hard to heal totally, and why the healing benefits were transient. This was because the many parallel issues from the many other times of personal injury were emerging and brought this all back onto the radar, so to speak, and the body was then put in the position of seeing those links and then renewed an expression of that old karmic event with wounding to the throat.
Keep in mind that history can be healed in its consequences but cannot be erased from the akashic records. They remain for all time. Even when an experience of deep trauma has been healed, revisiting it and stirring it up can, in some cases, cause it to be re-expressed yet again. This is because of the power of consciousness to make anything happen. This is why the greatest enemy is the self, because your own personal experiences, your associations of your throat issue with weather circumstances and time of year, and so on, give further fuel in managing the body and actually encouraging re-expression of the old karmic pattern. The body will often bend to your will when you focus on a difficulty. It is not that you are weak, it is that you are strong that really is making this happen. Even though the throat condition is very, very, unpleasant and very unwanted, the body must do what it is programmed to do.
So what is needed is to rewrite the old programming and to have some safeguards in place to prevent a reawakening once healing has happened. There is an ongoing healing request that your channel has launched on your behalf that will eventually succeed. We know this is less than satisfactory when you are actively suffering, to pin your hopes on a future that has yet to bear lasting fruit, but we see this in your timeline. It is nip and tuck because you are back in the fray, so to speak, taking on the darkness as a way of life. This will trigger you subconsciously, and the many prior traumas that resulted from such activity in other lifetimes.
So we will do our best to help with healing, to soften these symptoms, but the longer-term solution will need to play out and that will simply take more time yet. The divine realm is working on this, and it is a quite massive re-aligning of many, many, past experiences and their consequences. The reason for the timing is because it must be done incrementally to make adjustments and then re-adjustments of the many consequences, as one life touches so many others and we must always be careful and respectful of the needs of others to not disrupt things too greatly. If there can be a win-win that benefits others, it is easier to make a change than a needed change that will cause harm to others around you in the prior circumstance. That requires much discernment and caution because we cannot take away from one to give to another and that complicates things greatly.
This is the reason that healing is slow and sometimes not forthcoming. It is because the reason for the problem is so deeply enmeshed in the lives of others that to disentangle the elements would be a disservice to the other parties, and this then becomes yet another karmic burden that must be borne by the person needing the healing. Sometimes, the wrongdoing is too great to simply wash away and in those circumstances, the client will need to bear their burdens until a future time point when a quicker resolution becomes feasible. Much of the healing work is to look for the timing component, so that each step in the healing may need to occur at a different time for the purpose of maximizing benefit to the client while minimizing a downside for other individuals who will be affected by the healing. This is a delicate balance and best explains why healing can be uneven and slow in coming. We are working on things and, as we said, this will indeed resolve but will be some time yet.
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