DWQA QuestionsCategory: Subconscious ChannelingCan you give us some insight about the alcohol problem of my client [name withheld] about the origin, best approach, and feasibility of healing it?
Nicola Staff asked 6 years ago
As you suspected from her description, this has become almost a self-defining characteristic, believed in totally, held onto tightly, with a significant part of her subconscious mind unwilling to let go despite repeated attempts to give up this destructive habit. It has deep karmic roots from times of despair, turning to drink as an answer to blot out the harsh reality of the present. Her struggles through the current life have been quite intense at times and awakened the need for a way to cope, and the subconscious mind has turned to this yet again as a means of getting by, not appreciating the long-term downside she struggles with currently. This is a very typical scenario where people become their own worst enemy with a part of the mind wanting desperately to avoid alcohol at all costs while another part craves it intensely and commandeers the body to carry out the behavior to deliver the desired agent, in this case alcohol, in whatever form. This deep karma will require considerable effort to dislodge, but with her active desire for change, that increases the odds of success. This is something for which all available avenues of restoration will contribute when utilized. So repeat Protocol sessions will be helpful. Subconscious channeling in particular, has the added advantage of reaching those deep past life roots, and that will be the most productive in a time sense, although the availability of session time is a potential complication for you, but that would be our top recommendation for a way to create the best forward progress here. It cannot be done in a single go-round but will do some significant repair and start some momentum in that direction. Your other strategies you discussed with your client in their session today will apply here is well, to purposely entrain the spirit team to work on this issue daily via subconscious channeling in your stead, can carry things forward to greatly amplify the potential for resolution of the problem. So this will be quite helpful as well. These are the cards you can play, but they are powerful ones and are capable of surmounting the problem with sufficient effort and her continued desire to improve.