DWQA QuestionsCategory: PrayerCan you give us a tutorial explaining the differences between praying to God or another holy figure for personal help, versus attempting to channel divine prophecy, with respect to personal safety and possible corruption by interlopers?
Nicola Staff asked 6 months ago
There is a vast difference between the two intentions. Personal prayers as an outreach to the Almighty for assistance are always shielded from outside observation. That is a birthright and a built-in feature of existence designed to support safety and privacy of the exercise, given the power of nonlocal consciousness to go everywhere and see all. So that shielding is a divine enhancement of existence, specifically to honor the sovereignty of the individual and the sacredness of a divine-human partnership, especially when engaged in directly, through prayerful outreach. This is quite different than a person sending out their nonlocal consciousness with an intention to connect to a divine level being to gain special privileges with respect to knowing the future or gaining superior knowledge about events for greater understanding, and perhaps a personal advantage in being seen as special, as a prophet, someone of authority and great knowledge. This is a slippery slope. It not only appeals to the ego but will, many times, begin taking a person away from divine alignment because it is easy to, in a sense, exceed one's authority. Because we cannot lead, without a significant knowledge base, a would-be channeler in too great a state of ignorance cannot be rewarded. It is under such circumstances when the divine realm must step aside and in those moments the outreach will be unprotected from outside observation and will almost certainly be noticed by the interlopers, who are scanning constantly to monitor such forays. They routinely work to engage anyone reaching out with their intuitive awareness. Extraterrestrial psychics will do a handshake and start a dialogue and this will very likely lead eventually to a quite powerful level of control over that individual. It will be done in stages with the gradual acclimation and growing friendship, seemingly, that is highly flattering and rewarding to the would-be channeler, who will believe they have struck pay dirt and are truly being rewarded with special access giving them special power and authority. The more this rewards the ego, the more out of divine alignment the would-be channeler becomes, and the more readily they can be manipulated by the darkness. This will not be total at first. There are channelers who can interact with the divine realm on a regular basis but at times get corrupted and will not notice the difference. This slowly erodes their integrity through inculcation of negative beliefs that will not serve them but reinforce their vulnerability and begin to warp their perspectives to embrace faulty ideas. And as those beliefs strengthen, they will sprout additional beliefs and this essentially converts the would-be channeler to a quite effective operative of the Dark Extraterrestrial Alliance, because their channeling will follow the party line to aid and abet dark aims of the interlopers. There are significant barriers to doing any kind of channeling work of the divine realm. There are high expectations and demands that must be met with respect to knowledge, awareness, and in particular, requests for safety at the outset in order to have a chance of being protected and not succumbing to a manipulation from the outset. This is a major reason why very few channelers become successful and stay uncorrupted. The vast majority begin a handshake with the interlopers very quickly and that will remain as a component and, eventually for most, the source of information. It might be 95% accurate, but will be more superficial than useful, and those things that slip in to undermine their efforts and support the dark alien agenda will become more and more powerful and effective in working against humanity. Very few have been prepared in the light for high-level channeling work as a part of their life plan. There are many who can channel low-level beings. In fact, there are channelers who are not truly channeling, but listening to the voice of an extraterrestrial psychic using telepathic communication. Those who have been prepared are almost always heavily corrupted by the culture before they reach a level of maturity when they take an interest in doing intuitive work. So they are starting from behind, typically as walking wounded with diminished capacity and many false beliefs, all of which make them vulnerable, to some extent, to propaganda manipulation. If you survey the vast landscape of would-be prophets among the New Age community who are embracing sweetness and light as a constant drumbeat of encouragement and wishful thinking, largely ignoring the abundant dysfunction and sources of negativity throughout the culture, that will illustrate the power of sugarcoating to keep would-be prophets in the thrall of extraterrestrial psychics. They know just how to sprinkle it on the information they convey, so it will always be rewarding even when it is superficial in its actual value in contributing any new knowledge and understanding, let alone having any practical utility in changing things for the better. We will not interact with most would-be channelers because we know they are not ready, and thus we cannot interact as we would be complicit in what would eventually become corrupted, and that would be aiding and abetting a failed attempt at a high-level divine partnership, and would be a karmic misstep for us. By standing aside, we leave the individual to their own devices, even though we can see they will fail. It is no different from any other error or failing exhibited by humans in their efforts with any kind of endeavor, due to ignorance, immaturity, lack of preparation, or having the right mixture of soul attributes to stand strong and radiate divinity as an outstanding characteristic. Given the pitfalls and the difficulty with a learning curve, few will be successful. Most will fall by the wayside, becoming corrupted. They will be a danger to the ignorant and unwary and may, in fact, develop a huge following, in part because their followers will be manipulated to seek them out. Corrupt channelers will serve as a Pied Piper for the Dark Extraterrestrial Alliance. Their influence and disinformation campaigns are on display everywhere on the Internet.