DWQA QuestionsCategory: Spirit MeddlersCan you give us a tutorial about why and how it comes about that infants and children are at risk of harm from spirit meddlers without ongoing oversight by loving parents who can request divine help and protection effectively?
Nicola Staff asked 12 months ago
You have probed into the issue of vulnerability from the outset, and even in utero when it involves the reentry of the soul coming into a new incarnation. Given the many prior lifetimes of past trauma of a very severe sort, it is the rule, not the exception, that people come into life, even in utero, as walking wounded. And while things are not well-formed with respect to thinking at that stage, there can be inner disquiet that is quite severe in confronting, once again, the heavy, dense energy of the physical realm in contrast to light being existence. So it is a shock to the incoming soul to be back in the dark and daunting physical plane that can get inner disquiet going, as well as fear. And it is not infrequent that the first emotion the fetus learns to experience is fear, and fear is the main strategy used by dark spirits to gain a foothold when confronting the living with an intent to move in and exploit their energy. Fear will weaken the aura defense field that surrounds human being at all stages of development. That is the only shield the young body has, to keep out foreign consciousness. So if the shields are down, in effect, through an emotional reaction to something, hovering dark spirits will see this and swoop in to take up residence within the energy system of the body, where they are in an ideal position to harvest the life force energy of their host by siphoning it away for themselves. The more they take, the more depleted the host will feel and be impaired. While infants are not the most satisfying source of energy for a mature dark spirit, given their size and level of energy they command, by the same token, having a dark parasitic spirit attached to the energy field and taking away energy voraciously can leave a young person depleted without an intervention by the higher self to help keep things going in spite of the energy drain. So this creates complications from the outset because infants cannot express what they need and thus are more on their own than would be ideal. Given this is a natural state of affairs, there is some leniency with respect to the rules of engagement that life force energy can be supplied, for a period of time at least, to allow the incoming soul to get their bearings and mature enough to handle things on their own as they separate from the mother. But this privilege of the young has its limits and eventually, the baby will have to learn to cope with adversity. This is no small thing, given that the young do not know even how to use their body and make it work. This is obvious to anyone around infants who are capable of little more than sucking and squalling, and the rest is just flailing about. But all the while, the mind of infants is doing the best it can to cope with feelings that wash over it, and many stimuli that can increase karmic rumblings through reminders of past trauma. So an infant may become rapidly sensitized to any kind of threat that is sensed, and this can work against normal development and explains why some infants seem quite oversensitive and fragile from the outset, whereas others are placid and easy-going. The problem with spirit attachments in one so young is that it will subject the host to an ongoing campaign of torment because the dark spirits who move in, see to that happening, in order to gain greater energy from their host. The more they torment the infant, the more energy it can summon from the divine realm in response to this increase in demand in the face of emotional overwhelm. So this rewards any spirit attachments with the surge of extra fuel and that can create a treadmill situation where the spirits are tormenting their host nonstop to make the most of their human battery, so to speak, they depend on. We have told you before, that approximately 50% of the time babies cry it is because they have been perturbed by dark spirit attachments within them because it is almost universal that babies become infested following birth quite quickly, depending on karmic history and vulnerability, and the care given will vary, and how they fare given the extra headwinds represented by this parasitic consciousness that harbors evil intent. What is needed is for a knowledgeable source of intelligence to call on the divine for help in removing such pests. The infant cannot do this for itself. This is true of young children as well, but an informed and enlightened parent can be a powerful advocate in calling on divine oversight, healing, and protection for their young. The first line of defense is empowered prayer, meaning the use of Creator's recommended daily prayers that address these kinds of negative influences effectively, if not directly by name, but enough is stated with respect to sources of negativity that it will empower the divine to intervene to cast out the demonic energies and work to keep the young person free of such encumbrances. That is only possible when enough prayer is done with enough frequency and a high enough belief quotient, both in the existence of the divine, and belief in the self to be worthy of divine intervention and to be an advocate for another. This is where many people, even as loving parents, flag in their effectiveness, because their faith is weak and especially the belief in themselves that they could have such power. So there are many young people who suffer because it is not possible for anyone to provide 100% vigilance and effective prevention no matter what happens. Parents cannot be at their child's side 24 hours a day working on safety and protection with their focused attention. Even loving mothers have other duties and obligations they must attend to. So this is a huge unmet need in human society, that the young suffer greatly through the inadvertent neglect of caregivers to not address this dimension of vulnerability. With each year that passes, there are fewer and fewer remaining believers in the divine and no matter how loving the intentions of such parents, a lack of belief will mean that they and their children will be on their own, simply because the rules of engagement mandate that to be so. We cannot overstep the boundaries of human choices, even to neglect themselves and their loved ones. It is your right as human beings to suffer if that is what you choose. Having a strong and effective advocate is the key to a happy infancy and childhood. Someone who can work to summon divine assistance and maintain a divine oversight to watch for trouble and step in quickly to save the day. That is what you are offering through the Divine Life Support membership service, and it is a beautiful answer to the problem. You have seen throughout your years of service in doing healing work, that adults are far too complacent when it comes to their own children, in assuming their kids are not old enough to have serious problems. After all, they are living sheltered lives, and living at home where they could not be preyed upon as they assume is the case, in their way of thinking, but falsely. Precisely because humans are not capable of perfection, there is a need for a safety net. Spiritual self-care and homecare for loved ones needs a safety net every bit as much as having a healthcare plan and various kinds of insurance to deal with the inevitable slings and arrows of life in the physical.