The example we would like to cite in this next presentation is a common tale, an older gentleman with a weak heart who has suffered both having had a heart attack as well as periodic angina pain and, as a result, lives under this cloud of reminders on a regular basis of this inner fragility that is well-known to bring about sudden death for many. Indeed, cardiac issues and complications are a leading cause of death in many parts of the world, and their nature as a known killer, as well as being painful, creates a constant dread in people, and this saps the will and discourages people from engaging as effectively with life as they would otherwise be capable of doing. It keeps many sidelined and certainly many more fretting and living with anxiety that robs them of happiness, peace of mind, and takes the wind out of their sails enough to limit what they can enjoy and also accomplish.
What is happening for this individual is an easing of symptoms, and the first thing that has happened is the symptoms are coming into better control with existing medical therapy from the prescription drugs the individual is taking. That is a wonderful beginning on his way to health restoration because this is alleviating those painful reminders and, once that ceases, it will allow a more optimistic and productive perspective to support continued advances with divine healing to take him the rest of the way he needs to go, ideally, to maintain his potential lifespan. This is no small thing as anyone can see. We have said many times now that there is nothing that cannot be healed, nothing that cannot be improved through divine intervention. The question is the length of time needed and the conditions present when the divine intervention is invoked. Is the person far gone? Are they already elderly and frail? Or are they younger with less severe damage to vessels, for example, so there is more benefitting the patient with respect to the level of ongoing severity and therefore risk of running out of time? That, unfortunately, happens fairly often. Given that many, many chronic health conditions have such a deep karmic history, it can take more than one lifetime to heal all the underlying influences.
So this is not meant to discourage you and create the impression divine healing is rare or unlikely to help, and thus discourage people from trying to get such assistance. We would say, in fact, the opposite is true. Regardless of the outcome with respect to a particular malady, there are so many benefits in clearing the backlog of karma that it is shortsighted to think of only one vulnerability and hazard as the be-all of indicators with respect to well-being and even health. If you simply look at the number of people suffering multiple serious maladies, like those who have heart trouble but are also fighting cancer and perhaps an autoimmune digestive illness in the bargain, this shows quite clearly the hazards in living, and to do all you can to stay ahead of karmic negativity is extremely helpful and a wise choice in applying time and energy, especially considering that healing and restoration of healthy well-being can be arranged by the person themselves through partnering with us at no cost other than time in focused attention to developing a partnership.
This is difficult for people to understand at first. Religion has taught so many that, because God has infinite power and infinite reach, all you need is prayer and you can be saved. While that is true, for most it is not so simple, and that goes back to the paradigm underway, that you are in a place of great negativity and the wounding you have suffered is enormous from multiple lifetimes of repeated trauma. That will take a toll on the body and is the frequent cause of chronic illness and the maintaining of a malady indefinitely once it becomes symptomatic. We must honor rules of engagement that limit our reach and power, because in exchange for the blessings of free agency and free will, to go where you wish and do what you choose, you are put in charge of your soul's journey and everything that happens to you must be reckoned with by you, primarily. If you want divine assistance, you must ask, and do so with some degree of specificity in defining what needs attention, and also knowing something about how the divine realm heals so you can make as specific a request, in as cogent and appropriate way as possible, in defining among the options what is your greatest need. Few can do so, given the level of ignorance about the reason for illness to begin with as well as the workings of the divine and the approaches and tools we use for healing when we are able to do so.
This is the virtue of the Lightworker Healing Protocol and Deep Subconscious Mind Reset because they fill in this gap of ignorance from coming back into life again and again starting from scratch, not even knowing who you are, let alone what you are up against, where you need to go, and how you need to get there. The hard-won lessons and learning of your channel in putting these protocols together based in part on the many insights of others gleaned through time about how the mind works and what can help in alleviating symptoms of trouble, has for the first time provided a means of addressing virtually anything. The only question is whether there will be enough human firepower in accumulated conscious intention, from the human side, to work quickly enough to turn things around in the time available given your relatively short lifespan under the best of conditions. We do not want to discourage you unduly here, but simply need to recognize the size of the problem, that achieving healing for serious chronic illness is not a small thing. The fact that there might be prescriptions available to treat the symptoms is a kind of holding action, more of a band-aid than a solution, ever. This is most unfortunate but completely understandable given that synthetic chemicals have a very limited capability and cause as many complications and undesirable effects in the body as beneficial ones. The question is which will predominate as to whether something is useful enough and tolerable enough to make it worth the risks for a human patient, and which are simply too toxic for clinical use because the bad things that happen will be at an intolerable level.
So this person we are discussing, and his health issues stemming from impaired coronary artery blood flow, is blessed in having a manageable level of karmic causation compared to many facing such symptoms and is thus beginning to have a turnaround in experiencing a health change for the better. This is owing to Divine Life Support and the steady application of healing requests to provide a growing body of fuel intended for his benefit, so he is not just one of many receiving some divine help but is among the first in line to receive assistance. That is also a good example of the paradigm underway putting humans in charge. While it is true that, "The squeaky wheel gets the grease," as the saying goes, this is indeed a characteristic of the paradigm underway, that an action step, from the human side, and the contribution of human intention as fuel are necessary conditions to allow a divine intervention. Without it, we must let people fare as they will, completely on their own. It is those who have belief in us, and apply themselves in making an effective outreach again and again, who will gain more and will be more likely to overcome the hurdles of chronic illness and slow the inevitable degradation through aging, and thus have a happier and healthier journey that is not shorter than would otherwise be the case.
Your channel has asked many probing questions about the problems with medical care, the shortcomings with regard to truly understanding the origin of illness, both with respect to the huge role played by negative karmic trauma as well as still inadequate understanding of causes of deleterious changes in the body. What your channel has learned through his diligent probing is that chronic viral infections at a low level rarely detected is an important cause of 85% of chronic illness of all kinds, including almost all heart ailments percentagewise, because the common problems start with a chronic viral infection, for example, causing arterial plaques and stiffening to raise blood pressure and cause progressive loss of blood flow as predisposing to heart attacks and chronic heart failure. Given the state of ignorance of the medical community, it is those who seek divine assistance who are receiving treatment that is relevant and capable of turning the tide. The Lightworker Healing Protocol and Deep Subconscious Mind Reset, both, have a number of built-in requests ideal for dealing with chronic viruses as an outside negative influence on the body. So we see this individual with coronary artery disease improving over time more and more, and it will be quite possible for him to live out a full lifespan and avoid serious problems necessitating hospitalization, and that is quite a wonderful outcome compared to the vast majority with heart disease.
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