DWQA QuestionsCategory: Divine Life SupportCan you give us a new case study example of an individual or group benefited by the Lightworker Healing Protocol and Deep Subconscious Mind Reset, for use in our next Divine Life Support webinar (January, 2025)?
Nicola Staff asked 1 month ago
The individual we want to focus on for this next presentation is someone who suffered a physical handicap at a young age, who has suffered greatly, both in having physical deformity as well as a tremendous internal struggle and suffering from being so different from others and feeling left out of things despite the efforts of his family to be loving, nurturing, and supportive of his involvement whenever they can. The fact this happened was a combination of genetics and the underlying karmic trauma of prior lifetimes, of losing physical mobility and suffering tremendously as a consequence, in a time where society was more primitive and people were largely living by their wits and left to their own devices for survival. Those who became ill, if there was not a strong family unit to protect them, would simply go under and die young, if not through ill-health directly, from being preyed upon by criminals. This is a world of savagery and a dystopian nature that is always in the offing if it can be arranged by the Extraterrestrial Alliance. This they have done again and again to bring humanity to the brink of despair and dishevelment through famine, pestilence, and war. Those psychopaths delight in watching human suffering and exulting in the power they hold over you to cause such calamities and such widespread agony. This is a sick perspective and a product of being psychopaths who are loveless, disconnected from the divine, and thus cannot feel compassion and, without a conscience to counter selfish acts, have no compunction about causing widespread harm and suffering. That legacy is compounded through the workings of karma because everything that happens in the way of adversity, in causing a wounding physically or emotionally, is part of the akashic record of your lifetime, and the energetic consequences, in lowering your level of vibration, represent disharmony within the universe. Even though you are a small part of the whole, this not only gets noticed, it gets acted on by the oversight function of the Law of Karma to bring it around to you again in a way that gets your attention and provides an inducement to seek restitution, a way to rebalance the negativity that took place. So even though you might be back in a brand new lifetime, reincarnating in a different era, in a different location, and even in a different family and societal group, perhaps even halfway around the world from where prior bad times occurred, the Law of Karma will bring that negativity back to you in some form or another, and this is commonly through having a weakness of some kind, a vulnerability that leads to trouble, either an emotional struggle leading to unhappiness, or physical frailty, or decline to the point of developing physical symptoms and even a formally diagnosed chronic illness of some kind. Through providing a way to heal the harmful changes, this will rebalance the energies of what came before and resolve the karmic dilemma to the satisfaction of the Law of Karma, and this will go out to the akashic records and change the energetic signature of what was recorded in the prior incarnations—the woundings that were never dealt with. Once that energetic signature is cleansed to become neutral, the prior harm done will not taint your future again, and becomes simply information about you but with no risk to your future welfare. The flaw in the system is you are not taught about this paradigm nor ways to deal with it, other than in a very general sense, with guides to moral conduct, having standards, following rules designed to promote fairness and a positive outcome without harm to others or the self. That general perspective of promoting goodness, is a part of all the major religions in one way or another because that is the divine perspective, that life is about the giving and receiving of love, a participatory exercise in loving—that is the most fundamental and succinct way to summarize the meaning of life and the purpose of existence. This sounds simple but, in practice, is really quite challenging, and you need look no further than the example of this young boy who was deformed and suffered greatly through no apparent fault of his own, but had life-altering consequences of just this very thing—prior karmic trauma finding its way to him in his current life to strike him down, not as a punishment but as an incentive to deal with his past and right the wrongs of his personal history. Even though they were not caused by him to suffer a loss, and thus be wounded in a way that would persist, the fact it happened becomes his responsibility, as is true for whomever is affected by negativity. Whatever happens on your watch, even at the hands of others, is yours to deal with. That is why it is good fortune to have friends who can help you, loved ones who can care for you, and a healthy composite of characteristics providing the basic wherewithal to deal with the ups and downs of life in ways that will help you come out on top eventually. When something is weak or missing in your makeup, that, too, might be a karmic healing need and consequence putting you at a disadvantage. This is how people get behind and many times will not recover from a setback. Because of the great difficulty, especially being in a state of ignorance, the whole idea of having a support system of friends and family, and a society that values human progress and working towards the betterment of all, is most certainly the path to be on and to be contributing all one can do to help the self and humanity as a whole. This is part of the learning; in fact, one could call it the Great Learning that comes from adversity. That is why life's difficulties can be thought of as karmic lessons, because they are great teachers about cause and effect, another description of what karma represents. The Law of Karma is the same as the Law of Cause and Effect, just a briefer term. In the case of this young boy, knowing nothing about the big picture but having an innate spiritual alignment at the outset, he was able to maintain inner hope, and thus be in a state of allowing with respect to getting divine assistance, but that is not the same thing as knowing how to go about partnering with the divine. It is much like being all dressed up but without somewhere to go if one is quite alone in the world, friendless, and without dating prospects. In the same way, this boy, having a loving and caring family around him, was shielded from a much more severe set of experiences and consequences because he did receive much love and encouragement. This helped greatly to keep him going, but that, too, cannot carry out karmic repair of deep wounds of the past by itself alone. What has made the difference here is that he has been worked on through the regular healing sessions of the Divine Life Support program through GetWisdom and the work of your channel, in carrying out the work personally, in having put together the comprehensive Lightworker Healing Protocol and the Deep Subconscious Mind Reset protocol as powerful tools for karmic repair and restoration. This has allowed an inner healing and reconfiguration of the abnormal genetic programming. The important lesson here is that the genetic complement is not the be-all and end-all governing your existence and outcome. Left to its own energies and consequences, that might be so, but that does not speak to the possibility of a divine intervention to make a modification, or many, in subtle ways to rebalance gene expression in addition to potential restoration for a mutation that is causing a disruption of function. The genetic complement is decided in advance of birth, with the decision for a pregnancy to begin. All children come into being as a result of multiple decisions by all parties involved—the parents, the families, and the individual souls of the infants coming down to be born. There is always an agreement for this to happen, even in what are considered horrendous circumstances, as with rape or incest, and a pregnancy ensues which is seemingly unwanted by anyone, including the unborn child. They are simply seen as a victim of circumstance in coming down under the worst of conditions and reasons as a kind of additional punishment piling onto the wound of an act of violence, in some cases, or a desire for comfort and release from sexual desire without careful thought or planning about the consequences, so that having a loving family reception is not in the cards. Many times, there will be a karmic reason to go through such an experience as a way of rebalancing prior losses in other lifetimes. It is just an unfortunate and unpleasant reality that many times the most readily achievable way to repay a karmic debt is to revisit a similar dilemma and endure the agony it entails, but perhaps under circumstances where there is a better ability to survive it more effectively and, in the doing, will have repaid an obligation. This is most clearly the case when a perpetrator becomes a victim of a similar circumstance arising from their wrongdoing. For example, someone who is a rapist and impregnates their victim might, in a subsequent life, incarnate as an unwanted fetus only to be aborted or born into a dysfunctional family and end up neglected, and perhaps raised in an orphanage, with much sadness and suffering. That is not meant as punishment per se but as a rebalancing, energetically, of a kind of cost accounting, that what one takes away from the universe one must put back, and what one adds as a form of negativity must be reclaimed, even personally, if that's what it takes. So there are many times and circumstances, in planning for a new incarnation, when a difficult decision is made to take on a great challenge like a physical handicap of some kind, knowing, from the vantage point of a light being, there will be a karmic benefit, in the end, that is far greater than even a time of suffering that will have to be endured, coped with, or surmounted as things play out. It is for a higher purpose of learning and growth that people take on such difficult circumstances willingly. This is a testament to your divinity, that you are all lofty beings who know what is important and look to the future and the growth of your soul as the most important of objectives, and worth anything and everything that must be faced along the way in putting yourselves at risk, and this is especially the case coming into the physical world of the Earth at this time. Things are coming to a head but there is a growing potential for healing, and this is already underway and making progress that will change everything for the better once Ascension is underway. So with this young boy having a huge karmic dilemma from past lifetimes of difficulty, as is true for everyone in the physical who have had multiple incarnations, he is finally getting high-level divine help through Divine Life Support, and this is enabling a reworking of his genetics and physiology to undo the impact of that karmic imprint on his makeup, to strengthen and restore and resolve the misalignments and the deficiencies underlying his physical state. He is not only gaining strength but becoming normal, bit by bit. This is still a work in progress but we are using this as an example in order to have an encouragement for all those of you who are seemingly disadvantaged in some way that seems insurmountable. We can tell you there is nothing that cannot be healed, nothing that cannot be solved, nothing that cannot be surmounted or changed for the better with divine partnership. You have come to see, personally, that many things are quite challenging and might not be feasible in the course of a single lifetime, but that ignores the fact that you are immortal and that, ultimately, you will transcend all your difficulties in one way or another and you will be a beneficiary, and not a victim after all, because the hard-won transformations and the learning and growth required to get there will be your triumph and your glory on display for all to see. That is where you all are headed and what you will all inherit through the dedication, passion, and good works you bring to bear on the challenges you face in life, no matter how daunting, difficult, and disheartening they might be. If you see your life as one of many such chapters, this will help you to better cope with adversity for those things you might not be able to change in the near-term, but must somehow grin and bear it and get through the course of your life as best you can. That may well be enough; it will keep you going and, if you work it right, may prevent a worsening that will only raise the difficulty further in the future. You are in this for the long haul and that is the perspective to hold. There is no limit to what you can accomplish given all of Time to work with. It can help you see things in a new light to understand that you do not have only one chance to get things done, to have fun and rewards and enjoyment, and if you miss out you will lose everything. The opposite is the case. You are headed somewhere much better, more meaningful, much more important, and more rewarding than you can imagine. That is the trajectory of the divine human individually and collectively. How you get there and what happens along the way will be largely up to you in making the most of it. Devoting yourself to raising up yourself and others with divine partnership and healing is the very best thing you can do, and ideally the highest priority, in order to achieve a more favorable life balance in everything you take on. We are in it with you and will always do our part as best we can with what you give us to work with. The energy for your growth must come from you, but we can help you apply it in the highest and best way to make the most of the possibilities open to you.