DWQA QuestionsCategory: Divine Life SupportCan you give us a new case study example of an individual or group benefited by the Lightworker Healing Protocol and Deep Subconscious Mind Reset, for use in our next Divine Life Support webinar (February, 2025)?
Nicola Staff asked 1 day ago
The case study example we would like to share with you this time starts with the story of a little girl who was lost in the family, being as she was a middle child, and lacked the attention given the firstborn and exclusivity in availability of the parents for her early nurturing, or the doting for being the last baby, as was true for a sibling who came later. This played into a karmic history of being one among many in a quite large family by modern standards. This was more the norm than the exception in earlier eras where lifespan was considerably shorter, and there were no means to limit family size through birth control or other measures. And, given the prevalence of childhood diseases, there was always attrition with many children lost to illness while young, and because the family unit was considered an independent entity and had to function on its own largely, given no public support measures, having children was an economic necessity. Being as one of a crowd has its complexity and uncertainty as well. After all, the primary objective of youth is to establish an identity, a sense of the self, who they are, where they are going, what is their role in life, and how will they get there. This lifetime of karmic significance, with respect to the present incarnation, was also a time when female children were not expected to be major contributors to society but simply become acquired by husbands and bear them children. So, attractiveness and learning housekeeping skills were the major goals and expectations, and this did little to stimulate curiosity or learning beyond the needs of a household. Because this person's heritage and soul yearnings were to have a larger role and purpose in life, as a young girl in that lifetime she felt lost all the time, unappreciated, and ineffectual because there was such a gap between her inner yearnings and desires to be a part of something big but seeing no opportunity to advance, to burst forth, but only play a humdrum role of repetitive chores and general drudgery. At least, that was her perspective from the contrast between the setting she found herself in and what she felt was her true being and its potentials. So in the current lifetime, being the middle child, while not as dramatic in resembling being one of a crowd as she was in the prior lifetime of diminishment and restriction that led to great unhappiness, it was similar enough in how she was treated, along with the restrictions and limitations of youth. Being in a state of ignorance, inexperienced, and lacking many useful skills as yet, she encountered many trials and tribulations and got little help from those around her. While she only had two other siblings, both parents were also busy with work and careers, and this limited their availability and quality of supervision of the children, it restricted time spent informing and teaching her things, taking a genuine interest and involvement to give her feedback and encouragement. She was on her own most of the time and, in actuality, neglected. This was worsened by manipulation of the parents, both father and mother, to largely ignore her and even be programmed with negative assessments and beliefs that she was a disappointment, less capable, less promising, and this took a toll in limiting the expression of love and support. Over a period of years, this pattern continued and kept our subject in a state of diminishment, low expectations, and anxiety as well. She saw her siblings, younger as well as older, having many more opportunities, getting more parental attention and guidance and support for their interests, and could not help feeling excluded and many times forgotten about. This set her up to neglect herself. Children learn from their parents and the first thing they learn is whether love will come their way, or something less, and any degree of negativity will likely be interpreted as deserved because children look to the parents for help with everything, and know they are a key resource because their own dependence is total. But when love and nurturing are scant, there is no mentoring, no tutoring in how to develop self-regard, find the self as worthy, and so, self-regard will be lacking. She was not taught how to praise herself, to feel good about who she was and things she was doing. It became deeply ingrained because all along the way, she felt inadequate and saw her normal process of learning as falling short and never quite gaining the prowess she saw in others around her. Lacking encouragement, she could not pattern herself after the others because she lacked the inner motivation and wherewithal to be more dynamic and involved with respect to initiating conversations and activities involving others in the family, and they, in turn, tended to ignore her and leave her out of their activities, and this greatly reinforced the growing isolation and feelings of disappointment, which only grew over time, because there was no outlet for expression or a sympathetic ear she could trust, as a confidant, to pour out her troubles. Growing up unwanted will stunt the growth, it can diminish the personality development and will create, quite likely, lifelong deficits that create their own destiny and are a prescription for a life of unhappiness and disappointment. Thanks to the work of the Lightworker Healing Protocol and Deep Subconscious Mind Reset, healing requests, on her behalf, by a Divine Life Support member created a loving bridge of expectations to the divine requesting healing restoration, ongoing support, and protection, which are the major aims of the protocols in the fullest possible dimension, taking into account all potential sources of negativity that can hinder a person in life in big and small ways. What was needed was not only a great deal of karmic repair on other timelines, particularly the past lives of being, in effect, lost in the shuffle, but healing repair for the others in the family. They became shaped and conditioned, in turn, from the girl being withdrawn and seemingly self-focused and self-sufficient and, in turn, developed their own inner doubts and reservations about this girl and whether she had something to offer them, because they did not see much coming from her so it was simply not very rewarding having her around. So the problem was a kind of shared starvation and, for nourishment, everyone had to turn elsewhere for sustenance. While working on this, a divine plan was implemented to inspire this young girl to take up a hobby. Left on her own so much, she discovered something that stirred deep within her a spark of passion and she reached out to the mother for help in obtaining the materials she needed to pursue her newfound interest. And it turned out she had a tremendous talent, and beginning to notice her in action, as she worked at her new hobby, one by one, others in the family began to take an interest in that hobby to varying degrees, certainly following her progress as she learned more and more about the factual information it entailed and, in seeing her handiwork, it fostered a reason to spend time with her, give her encouragement, and begin to take her more seriously. That hobby was a catalyst in providing something to talk about, something to be mutually shared to varying degrees, but nonetheless led to interpersonal engagement and the growth of the relationship with each of the other family members. Seeing how the girl excelled in her pursuit, they gained a new respect and began to see the girl as a point of pride for the family, and drew her into interactions with others, friends and other family groups, as a way of helping to further foster the development clearly underway, as the hobby involved a number of useful life skills and talent that had been dormant but was still present in abundance. Along the way, the girl came out of her shell and truly began to blossom, and this area of neglect became healed and provided the mentoring she needed in learning how to relate productively in engaging with others, feeling confident enough to share her thoughts and even feelings, and this primed her to be ready for meeting others like herself who shared her interest and passion, and that is precisely what happened next, that she was introduced to others her own age with common interests and background, and this further helped her to make up for lost time and truly come alive. The positive experiences she had, in being accepted, were just the tonic she needed in order to allow an upgrade of her inner limiting beliefs that were falsely hindering her and holding her back. Doing negative belief replacement and as well strengthening soul attribute expressions like self-confidence, congeniality, and friendly interest in others, gave her, in effect, the very currency that is at the heart of friendship where people hold one another in high regard, value their opinions, and enjoy their companionship. And when things are balanced, when there is a mutual sharing and corresponding degree of development and healthy balance, becoming and keeping friends is easy because everyone wants love, respect, and acceptance. When someone is stunted by neglect, not only will they neglect themselves but will have little to offer those around them and it becomes a kind of prison and an empty existence. So by virtue of the strengthening that resulted from fostering a genuine interest and friendship with the family members, things were coordinated to foster much growth and development of life skills, helping her to make up for lost time and truly get on her way to become a thriving fellow member of her family and the wider community around her. She made friends at school and was able to interact with teachers like never before, and this helped her school performance because her teachers took a genuine interest in her for the first time, just as her family had. So she is on her way now to a happy, well-adjusted life. There are still rough edges within, making this a work in progress, but that is true for everyone. The karmic baggage people carry is always larger than that of a single lifetime. The goal needs to be to do all one can because every step along the way will add to the journey, a measure of progress that will accumulate over time and will be advancing the soul, and that is a tremendous achievement, indeed.