DWQA QuestionsCategory: Divine Life SupportCan you give us a new case study example of an individual or group benefited by the Lightworker Healing Protocol and Deep Subconscious Mind Reset, for use in our next Divine Life Support webinar (August, 2024)?
Nicola Staff asked 8 months ago
The example we would like to give today is of a young child who was subjected to alien abduction and injected intracranially with mercury to damage the central nervous system. This can impair intuition, intellect, as well as emotional stability, and that is its intended purpose, to diminish them as a human being, and thus make them easier to subjugate and control among the population. The program to do this on a mass scale is proceeding apace. They are behind but it is one of the sinister things they are giving a high priority to in preparation for their departure once the Alien Disclosure takes place. In the meantime, every life they touch in this way will have potentially lifelong adverse consequences. This is as dramatic and iconic a representation as any, of the savagery and evil nature of the extraterrestrials. They are all supportive of anything that will degrade humanity and cause individual harm and distress as well. Being psychopaths, they only relish their own power. The fact they are inflicting their power on helpless infants could only be rewarding for a true psychopath, but such is the case of what is taking place. This child is being assisted through the Divine Life Support program to begin recovering and regaining greater function within the brain itself. This is being done through a combination of maneuvers including retrocausal healing, so there is a back-and-forth traversing of timelines to begin changing the present bit by bit, to then go back into the past to intervene a little more powerfully, let that play out, and then go back yet again for more. This is a complicated orchestration and difficult to describe because the sequence of events are energetic that are needed, and quite complex, happening on multiple levels of the being, as well as influencing what is on record within the repository of all that takes place, housed in the akashic records that track every life and everything that happens, by and for and to the individual. In this case, the intervention began soon after the insult took place. It was not possible to prevent the abduction entirely for a variety of reasons, again having to do with the individual karma of the parents as well as that infant himself. All human beings are walking wounded to one degree or another and carry liabilities, shortcomings, and many vulnerabilities. So when a disaster happens, bringing harm their way, there will usually be a reawakening of karmic trauma that is used by the Law of Karma to arrange a focus of the negativity on a prior weak spot because it is there for a reason, pointing to unfinished business, something out of alignment for the person that needs attention. And the Law of Karma, in effect, will hammer on that weak spot until it hurts and becomes noticed by the individual in question as a motivation to seek help and ideally find a way to achieve healing to resolve the issue once and for all. But that is the ideal and it is rarely achieved in today's world because people are largely in ignorance of the workings of karma and the backlog of unmet need all carry within them. In the case of this infant, he was fortunate to be on a wish list of someone receiving Divine Life Support, and that elevated the priority enough that even though an abduction could not be prevented, the divine realm was able to go to work soon after the incident took place—soon enough to make a real difference in the extent of the injury and the duration. What we are expecting now is that this child will be fully healed by the time he is ready for kindergarten and will be able to hold his own in making a transition to the classroom setting, and the demands for self-control and cooperation with the teacher, and maturity enough to be away from home for a significant part of the day, and so on. Being able to be in control of himself, pay attention to what is taking place around him, to be eager to learn and truly absorb and understand the information provided to him, will be a tremendous blessing afforded by the healing. Without it, that would not have been the case. He would likely have been significantly impaired, perhaps to the extent he could not be mainstreamed at all but would need a special setting to receive remedial help. So the Divine Life Support program has produced a shining example of what is possible in reversing a most serious and consequential physical injury that usually has lifelong detrimental consequences, and the accumulated effects of the limitations and shortcomings it would cause would almost certainly reduce happiness and achievement across the board. All of these limitations and adverse consequences, up to and including inability to be a part of a marital relationship and raise a family, means that a whole generation of new life is now possible with all the joys of his successful participation as a reward. That is a blessing, indeed, in countering the evil of the interlopers and helping to support a favorable, positive outcome that will benefit everyone in his immediate family and all those who he interacts with in life.