DWQA QuestionsCategory: Divine Life SupportCan you give us a new case study example of an individual or group benefited by the Lightworker Healing Protocol and Deep Subconscious Mind Reset, for use in an upcoming Divine Life Support webinar (October, 2024)?
Nicola Staff asked 2 weeks ago
The individual we would like to focus on in this example is a young mother who is struggling to carry out her maternal duties. She has the natural inborn instinct for nurturing that is a built-in favored profile of soul attributes and reinforced with the genetic complement that allows the fullest expression, such as bearing a child and nursing and providing the material benefit of nourishment and a loving embrace, ever-vigilant, and doting on the needs of the newborn infant. But there is something causing inner conflict detracting from her preparation for the role and her execution on a day-to-day basis. This is a looming karmic drama of huge proportions, having been caught up in prior lifetimes with others who were an evil influence on her, encouraging her to be involved with a dark criminal ring carrying out child trafficking and enslavement of young children to serve their greed for wealth and power. She herself was preyed upon to be complicit and a kind of intermediary, serving her overseers by, herself, being an overseer of their victims, to help keep them in line and groom them to be, in effect, broodmares and procurers of new victims. This went on for a prolonged period of time. She was in a deprived area economically, so there were few options and nothing likely to be feasible for a single woman on her own, without an adult protector, as was true of much of the historical past where people had to deal with criminality on their own, largely. So we are simply talking about some of the mitigating circumstances to support the perspective she was not the worst of the worst but being victimized by poverty and dependence on older males controlling her, for everything to keep her life going. She was exploited by one of their powerful members, who took a special interest in her, and with whom she had the semblance of a loving partnership that became an extra incentive for her willing participation in aiding and abetting this criminal enterprise which seemed, to her, to be the normal world around her given her inexperience and lack of access to anything largely different. This created a tremendous karmic backlog of negativity, both self-inflicted through her choices and worsened greatly by much trauma she experienced at the hands of those around her, as well as the inner qualms and discomfort she was involved in regularly when taking infants away from young females giving birth and separating children from their mothers at older ages as well. The capstone of this continued involvement in evil exploitation was herself becoming pregnant and feeling the awakening within her of the maternal stirrings to love that baby‑to‑be and look forward to its birth, even as she began fearing what might happen. And, indeed, that infant was taken from her after nurturing it for several years, but it was a young female and more highly prized as a source of revenue by those controlling her, including the man she was in love with who was more hard-hearted than she knew in turning a deaf ear to her entreaties wanting to keep the child. The Law of Karma seeks to remind every individual of their past difficulties whether caused by themselves or by others harming them in some way. The energy of prior life trauma will be brought back to a person in a new incarnation in the way of symptoms or circumstances creating a challenge. This is intended as a part of the normal and natural design of things to provide a reckoning, a stimulus encouraging the person involved to work on healing what is wrong and, by healing what is wrong in the present, will heal what happened in the past if that healing is brought to bear in an effective way to a sufficient level of completeness. That is where things typically break down in today's world and have all through human history because, all too often, there has been a woeful ignorance about the origin of human negativity and the misery of life. Given there are many external sources of difficulty, and many challenges to a happy existence to point fingers at when someone runs into difficulty and starts having trouble, the story is almost always much, much deeper. This is because what happens in a current life, stemming from a situation having a negative influence of some kind, will resonate with a vast reservoir of unmet healing need from the past, and that energy of negativity will spill over into the current life to aggravate things and make them much, much worse. That can render a person incapacitated and, in fact, shorten their life or end it abruptly by creating circumstances for a fatal illness or accident, for example. So those who have reared children will understand fully, life is hard enough to be a mom or dad with all the responsibilities and the burdens that come with the roles. There is a constant demand and challenge to meet the needs of the young, both financially and emotionally, to give them loving support and encouragement instead of criticisms and punishments only. This young woman was in the grip of very mixed feelings and inner conflicts from first becoming pregnant in a new life as a young married woman. Those misgivings rumbled constantly during the pregnancy and then got worse after delivery of her first child. Her karmic history of negativity, having steeled herself again and again against feeling attachment to and concern for the young she was involved with on a daily basis, created within her a very strong self-disparagement and minimization of natural love feelings in needing to squelch them in order to keep going. This was more unconscious than conscious but nonetheless shaped her thinking and beliefs to view the role of caretaker of the young as an obligation and not a joyous opportunity to revel in the chance to love someone very, very deeply, as a mom, and fulfill an inner soul expectation and preparation for the role. This kept her withdrawn and prickly in her responses to the endless and inevitable and normal demands of her infant wanting to be held, wanting to be fed, wanting to be changed, waking her up at all hours, and, of course, being ever-present and quite helpless, and thus representing an inherent obligation and energetic demand on the young woman struggling with her inner conflicts. Things worsened with a second child because the burdens were greater than before, and much greater because she was taxed to the limit having one child and there was no reserve she could turn to, to cope with a second helpless infant on top of one who was becoming a toddler and, with greater mobility, could get into more mischief. Juggling the two became an overwhelming task. She was harboring a growing inner resentment but could not understand why because the karmic influence was not on a conscious level but within her deep subconscious mind, which was fearing troubles of the past and what they had done to her, in adding to apprehension, uncertainty, anxiety, and fear that being a caretaker for the young was an impossible burden and eventually she would be consumed and destroyed as that is what happened, ultimately, in that prior lifetime. When she rebelled, ultimately, at the enslavement of her own daughter, she was killed violently as a punishment. So in her new incarnation, at the bottom of her distress, was a deeply held fear of death associated with caregiving. This caused a pronounced state of depression, ultimately, and that withdrawal caused her to begin neglecting her children even more than being simply detached and mechanical as she went about her duties. She began to withdraw to the extent she would not respond to their cries for long periods of time. She took up drinking and would pass out leaving her children unattended. She was ultimately put in a position of being forced into rehab but that did not help for long and, when she returned home, gave in to her cravings and returned to her practice of alcohol abuse to cope with her despair. Fortunately, this young woman was on the wish list of a member of Divine Life Support and we were able to come to the rescue at an opportune time following another trip to rehab during which, sobered up, she became more reachable. And our working on her, with her deep subconscious in particular, was able to bring some strengthening and, by the simultaneous efforts on prior timelines, to begin healing the past trauma and drama of torment and failure as a caregiver. This lessened her fear and helped tip the balance towards having the ability to maintain abstinence, and this proved the key to enabling a greater healing to turn the tide and help her to open up to greater love for her children and her husband, and herself as well. She was in many ways the greatest victim all along because the greatest false take-home message of her prior life, as being, in effect, an abuser of the young, made her grow to hate herself, and that is a karmic death wish, in effect, because God cannot save someone who condemns themselves, totally. That is the power you hold, as a human being, to condemn yourself to death at an extreme of self-denial and self-loathing. This is one of the problems with the rules of engagement, that you are in charge of your life, first and foremost. We must work around your free will to do anything unilaterally and, for someone who is far gone with emotional problems or mental illness, getting their direct cooperation may be impossible because we cannot make people be different by going against their free will choice to suffer even when it is illogical and self-destructive and based on past history and not even current shortcomings. The divine healing work she obtained through the Divine Life Support has allowed a continued progression of inner strengthening and a reopening of her self-imposed barriers to the giving and receiving of love that was a hallmark of her withdrawal and depression. Her soul, greatly yearning love's expression, came alive and began to flourish, and that was just the antidote needed because it replaced the doubt and fear creating a kind of love vacuum, by making her whole without the need for doubt and uncertainty. When one is embraced by love on all levels, that is when you are firing on all cylinders and, in fact, become well-nigh impervious to harm because you are strengthened with the strongest tonic there is. Love is the essence of divinity and it is divinity that holds the greatest power. The restoration of love is not only a victory, it is an expansion of divinity and serving not only the divine agenda but the soul agenda of those involved directly and indirectly. So this young woman and her children are entering a new phase now to, at long last, grow their love bonds with one another. Children are more flexible than adults and can recover from such neglect when the opportunity presents itself early enough, and that was the case here. So things are well along towards ensuring a happy life for this family and it is healing, as well, the prior lifetime of hurt and failure, and that will, in turn, spread to others who influenced her and were also suffering. For that is the greatest payoff of divine love when it is allowed in, when it is requested and promoted and supported, experienced and prioritized, it is the greatest change agent one can have and bring to bear for helping the self and others.