DWQA QuestionsCategory: Divine Life SupportCan you give us a new case study example of an individual or group benefited by the Lightworker Healing Protocol and Deep Subconscious Mind Reset, for use in an upcoming Divine Life Support webinar (December, 2024)?
Nicola Staff asked 4 months ago
The individual we would like to highlight for this exercise is a young girl who is still in her early grades in school but has been brought up in a family that is a kind of holdover from a prior era when it was a war-torn culture. And the times she lived in that prior life exposed her to scenes of horror, widespread destruction, and inhumane savagery and treatment, not only because there was a war going on and much collateral damage to civilians and their homes, but because there was inhumanity, on the part of combatants, and she was personally subjected to sexual abuse by occupying soldiers. As you can imagine, this turned her world upside down in seeing her family was not able to protect her, and that everything she had come to believe about the purpose of life, and even the existence of God, was overturned by this breakdown in society. Nothing was the same and all was in turmoil and uncertain. She lived through years of being in a war-torn zone, hiding much of the time from other people, especially because of her personal trauma and not wanting it repeated. At the same time, as food became scarce due to the disruption of commerce, being in a war zone, the people around her became increasingly savage and she repeatedly had possessions stolen from her and suffered further abuse at the hands of others, being young and female and a frequent target of older males. This left her quite bitter and, in effect, was life-destroying. She was never the same and did not develop into a healthy, happy adult. Her life was stunted by the savagery of the times and she ended up being killed from a blow to the head by a group of marauders, who simply wanted to take whatever possessions she had from her, and to whom her life meant nothing. In her current family, she is having great difficulty adjusting given this karmic history undermining her and making her highly anxious despite the lack of a visible reason for that to be so. She is a victim of her karmic trauma history. Her current living situation is in a safe country. There is no war; there is no civil unrest other than some crime, but she is nonetheless always uneasy and that is because the anxiety is a product of her deep subconscious mind. That layer of her mind, in fact, the largest part of her mind, can readily see her past lifetimes of being victimized more than once, by being a vulnerable female, and this is triggering a huge level of anxiety which she feels emotionally. But because the deep subconscious is cut off from the conscious level of the mind and cannot communicate with it, it cannot warn her in a direct way, and perhaps be reasoned with given this is something about another lifetime entirely and need not repeat itself in her current incarnation. So this young girl is like the majority of human beings who have baggage, a past history of difficulties of all kinds, and an ability to survey the deep past of multiple timelines and become quite concerned about what it portends for the current go-round. The deep subconscious has not been taught what to expect from life—how things really work. It is just like going in and watching a movie. You take from it whatever your understanding of it might be. There is no explanation given about who those characters are, why they are there, their motivations, and so the deep subconscious is left trying to piece things together and make some sense of it all. Usually, the best it can do is recognize the self as being a participant in activities elsewhere without a true understanding of where and when, and what might have happened in between. There is no recollection of having been in heaven, so it looks much like old memories of horrible times, and will seem quite reasonable to ponder whether this will come around again and this can be devastating for an individual in preventing happiness and stability. So this dynamic of "out of sight but not out of mind" creates a state of inner torment without a conscious awareness of why that is, what is underneath it and its cause, so there is no clear solution that can be discerned, or even probed for and determined with outside help, for the most part. Any kind of therapy can only involve a person talking about their life and what they recall they have actually experienced. None of the dynamic about this young girl's deep karmic history would be reachable in a therapeutic setting. There is really no hope for such individuals because any kind of assistance will only be a surface treatment at best, it will not reach deeply enough to change anything fundamentally going into the makeup of a person being haunted, literally, by their deep past but in a practical and devastating way cut off from conscious awareness and understanding. So what has happened for this young girl is that she is on the wish list of a member of Divine Life Support and, as such, she is getting regular assistance from your channel doing sessions with the Lightworker Healing Protocol and Deep Subconscious Mind Reset. It is that healing that empowers us to use your channel's intentions to go to bat for this young girl and right the wrongs of her personal history in resolving the negativity created by all that past trauma. So we have been working incrementally to undo the damage of the past and its legacy. Most people learn through experience, if they are lucky enough to achieve a complete healing of something. That is the true answer for emotional difficulties of all kinds, not just physical. Until the past is healed, the present will never be stable, trouble-free, and rewarding. There will be a diminishment when there is an internal conflict raging. People simply will not be their best, and that will take a toll over time and may well even shorten the lifespan from the ravages of accumulated stress. And in the case of this young girl, her past karmic history of dying young will set her up for a similar early demise. The last thing she needs is for the Law of Karma to find her in proximity to a group of ne'er-do-wells who see a young girl out on her own, vulnerable, and still innocent in the ways of the world, so they might well prey on her and end her life to cover up their crime. That is the legacy of karmic trauma, that it can be recapitulated in a future lifetime and sometimes involves the same people. Whole groups of victims can reincarnate at the same time, in the same generation, and find their way to come together, and when that takes place their experiences can become more and more like former bad times, because the Law of Karma will see that as an opportunity to bring a life lesson forward with the intention of helping them heal those past dark circumstances. But, in the process, it may be too great a challenge and end up overwhelming those former victims, to make them new victims, and this will add to the karmic burdens of being damaged not just once, but in two lifetimes. This is how a karmic potential can be a life-determining influence and a life-limiting one in many cases. In the case of this young girl, there has been enough progress with the protocols that the trauma has been greatly reduced in its influence because enough healing has accumulated a clearing of this negativity by changing the energetic signature for many, many of the worst episodes in her history. What that does is take her off the hook, to render her less vulnerable to similar negative influences and experiences, and spares her from the workings of the Law of Karma that might bring her into close proximity with a predator where she could be victimized again. The healing is not yet complete but has reached a tipping point that is allowing her to rise above a chronic anxiety state that has been ever-present up until recently. So her gaining life experience and getting her bearings is allowing her natural growth and maturation to really begin to flourish, and this is helping to negate the negative expectations and outlive the usefulness of the inner qualms that fed her anxiety and kept her trapped living in fear instead of gaining confidence and learning to soar according to her true potential. She is making up for lost time and is spreading her wings more and more. She has opened up socially with her peers and has become not only accepted but a favorite of those around her who want to be her friend and for whom she is an asset because of her growing strength and a kind of wisdom in having weathered very rough times and lived through it. This has made her somewhat wiser than her years. While she could not describe that precisely, as to the sequence of events and the cause and effect of all that has taken place to raise her up, she is living it and feeling it because it is truly happening. She is feeling stronger and capable for the first time, and radiating confidence, and it makes her quite attractive among her peers who want her as a friend. There is nothing like love and acceptance of others to make life worth living and to feel good about oneself. This is more than a true blessing, it is a Godsend, in a literal meaning, that will change everything about her future. Without this healing work, it is almost certain she would end up being a victim of violence and die young, and have yet another truncated life without the joys and tremendous learning that comes from finding true love and raising a family. So this is not just the saving of a life, but the saving of multiple lives now because she will be set for her future. This is the story of millions who, each in their own way, have a series of setbacks and dysfunctional lifetimes they need to work through in order to be free to be who they truly are, with respect to their soul potential. We have often described humanity as being "walking wounded," and that is because the war is never over for you. You come and go from life to life, but you are returning to the battlefield each time and it is not long before you are caught up in the continuation of your karmic heritage, for better or worse. Most are still coming from behind so there is much to be done. The important lesson here is, without Divine Life Support and these protocols there will be a quite different world. You are seeing divinity on the march, truly, bringing enlightenment for the betterment of humanity.