DWQA QuestionsCategory: Divine Life SupportCan you give us a case study example of an individual or group helped by the protocols we use for Divine Life Support members, to share at our next Divine Life Support webinar in April, 2024?
Nicola Staff asked 11 months ago
The example we would like to share with you for this month's webinar is one of great suffering and triumph in reversing a most severe circumstance, with painful and debilitating and life constraining consequences. We are talking about a woman who became possessed by dark spirits and increasingly became delusional, because of the inner perturbations to modify her thinking, and further separate her from being able to sense communication from her higher self to receive spiritual inspiration and guidance. Given the ongoing campaign of torment over a period of years, working towards keeping her in a state of terror at the level of her deep subconscious mind, this began to dominate her dreams at night, which became nightmarish and would often be recalled, especially as it led to chronic sleep disturbance, and she learned to wake up herself in order to escape the horror playing out in her mind. This led to a chronic debilitated state of fatigue and lack of mental sharpness and stability, because she was chronically sleep-deprived and in a state of high anxiety despite her exhaustion. This was a further drain on energy and capability, reducing her effectiveness in carrying out day-to-day function needed for self-care as well as hindering her ability to stay employed. She had suffered from a long period of decline, levels of impairment that would cause her to be let go from the workplace because she eventually became less and less reliable, often absent and late to work, in a fog, and prone to making oversights and errors. So she was viewed as often the weak link and was thus vulnerable to being fired, simply as a way to replace her as a less desirable employee, with someone new who would likely be more stable and competent. So that work history was a stain on her record and reputation, making it harder and harder for her to be self-sustaining. She suffered estrangement from family members over the years to a greater and greater extent, as each member of her family would eventually tire of her being a drain on them in having to be propped up or rescued, and at best tolerated in their midst with little reciprocity in terms of her ability to engage in a rewarding relationship, given her impaired state and preoccupation with her inner torment. This is one of the main liabilities for the mentally ill, that becoming incapacitated is seen by others as a kind of selfish indifference because such individuals tend to withdraw and have so little to give as they are consumed by the inner battles underway, not all of which is conscious but takes a toll on energy. Such individuals may be very withdrawn, making them unrewarding to be around, or they might be agitated, demonstrative, or overbearing if strong emotions are ramped up demanding outward expression that becomes unstoppable at a certain point, things like anger and an overwhelming drive to carry out an inner agenda, even one that is illogical or frankly irrational. Such things can be programmed into the beliefs and thoughts of someone who is at the threshold of insanity and push them over the edge into rash acts to get the person into serious trouble. So this individual had undergone a series of psychiatric hospitalizations over a period of several decades and it was only with the use of heavy medication to essentially dull the inner dialogue of torment that she could remain calm enough to be relatively stable. It was the advent of being worked on through the protocols of the Divine Life Support that things changed for the better for this woman, who had been impaired since adolescence because of the spirit manipulation, and by the teenage years was having psychotic episodes. Being cleared of spirit attachments was the first of necessary steps to turn things around. There is little hope for such individuals as long as spirit meddlers have control of them. In a sense, it is a kind of self-promoted and perpetuated dilemma through human ignorance. Once the spirits get ahold of a person and begin to cultivate their beliefs, it is easy for the humans to lose hope and blame themselves because this is a common strategy, to create a campaign of induced self-destruction on the part of the host so they work against their own best interests. It is like causing people to stub their toe every time they turn around. It becomes a life of torture, but it is rewarding to the spirit attachments because that constant painful episode will call on more divine life force energy to help the person keep going and that will reward the spirit attachments. So, removing the tormentors who are an external consciousness is a must in order for stabilization and any real progress, and that requires divine intervention. There is no other way to extract another consciousness from a person who is suffering the effects of spirit attachment. But even once that happens, if the person has been greatly harmed through the manipulations to warp the thinking and contaminate inner beliefs with too much negativity, it becomes quite a healing challenge to turn things around for the better. The dark spirits are quite effective in getting people to undermine themselves and carry out a self-torment through negative self-limiting beliefs causing them to hate themselves, belittle themselves, mistrust themselves, and even harm themselves materially, to neglect personal care and hygiene, and ignore hazards while oblivious to the potential harm, and perhaps carrying out serious harmful behaviors like cutting, reckless use of alcohol and controlled substances, and then becoming increasingly suicidal. In the case of this woman, she was not so far gone as to be beyond the pale, to save in time from a dark fate. Her fragility in having the spirit attachments in the first place was due to her sensitivity to sensing the presence of other consciousness, which was an aspect of inner gifts intuitively, rather than having a dark nature making her more aligned with the darkness and thus more vulnerable to harboring dark spirits. They go after everyone, and even highly spiritual people can become infested, often through being persuaded deep within their subconscious mind that someone is in need of help and they let the unfortunate consciousness into their energy, analogous to inviting in a stranger in the middle of the night who then takes advantage. The high sensitivity of this woman worked against her also, in feeling quite intensely, the perturbations that were lodged against her. And that made her more vulnerable despite her native spiritual inclination and alignment. But it also was the case that once the direct influences were removed, there was room to breathe and the inner wherewithal of her spiritual core expanded to fill the void. Rather than continuing to lose ground through self-negativity, she began to promote self-recovery because she was able to listen to divine inspiration and coaching brought to her via the Lightworker Healing Protocol and Deep Subconscious Mind Reset, and we were able to guide her step-by-step to work through the prior traumas and dispel their negative influence. The final stage she is in now, is continuing to shore up this foundation that has been laid down through divine healing to reduce her vulnerability to a repeat cycle of worsening. It is always possible for healing to become undone, without vigilance and continued divine support, and that is the virtue of being in the Divine Life Support program, because as long as the membership continues, the divine will be working to support the recipients all along the way, through good times and bad, and can make all the difference in preventing backsliding and a reversal of fortunes. So we see this individual as being saved completely, from a downward spiral that would end up shortening her life almost certainly, but for the divine intervention provided on her behalf through Divine Life Support. The risks of this level of severity as a consequence of spirit attachment are going up for all of society on average, because of the growth of the Secular Movement making people less and less in divine alignment and having a belief quotient allowing us to help them without a divine request directly, by an advocate who does believe. The increased use of mind-altering substances like cannabis becoming so commonplace, along with alcohol as well, and the other drugs of abuse, greatly increases the degree of spirit meddler attachment and in the effectiveness they will have in causing serious inner perturbations that the host will be unlikely to counter effectively because of inner weakened resources. So across the board, this almost completely ignored scourge will continue to have a mounting toll on society, individually and collectively, without Divine Life Support for an effective defense.