DWQA QuestionsCategory: Divine Life SupportCan you give us a case study example of an individual or group helped by the Lightworker Healing Protocol and Deep Subconscious Mind Reset, for inclusion in next month’s Divine Life Support webinar?
Nicola Staff asked 9 months ago
The case study example we would like to bring forward for this webinar is that of a young girl who was molested by her father and grew into her teen years faced with huge inner turmoil, negative feelings, self-recrimination, and a kind of doomsday persona not only cynical about the world but having a fatalistic detachment and rejection of almost everything around her. Our purpose in focusing on this individual, even though it is obvious to everyone that sexual abuse is a bad thing, we want to make it clear why this is so and bring forward in the discussion the long-term implications for the individual, not only on a psychological level but a spiritual level as well. It is also useful to understand why it is, that such things happen to begin with. There are far too few deep insights and revelations that have led to a true understanding of what one is dealing with for human problems of all kinds. And as a consequence, there are no good solutions, often times, for common everyday dilemmas. That lack of understanding has tremendous and tragic long-term consequences for the health of society as a whole, let alone the individuals who struggle with problems like this directly, because they are caught up in the drama and it is all they know. In a sense, they are born into a dysfunctional world that becomes definitive in establishing all sorts of standards and benchmarks that are corrupted and faulty, certainly from a divine perspective, but also from what any average person would wish to have as a description of their own life and what they are subjected to at the hands of others. We understand that the subject is a painful one for far too many individuals because of the prevalence of sexual abuse, primarily against females. This also occurs with male infants and children as well, but at least males are less victimized by things like assaults once they have grown into their teen years and adulthood, whereas women are at lifelong risk of a sexual predator encounter when they might least expect it. To begin with childhood, we can tell you that incest is not only an abnormal perversion of human feelings and thoughts, it is something that is introduced as a corruption by the darkness working on the mind and heart of a caregiver. There is a built-in, innate, aversion to expressing sexual feelings with infants and children, but especially so with one's own kin. That is why it has always been considered a taboo, a forbidden thought let alone practice, widely shunned in all cultures. That is also innate divine wisdom because there is a built-in proscription against crossing that line as we know it can have a damaging effect on the young to be subjected to intimate manipulations for purposes of sexual gratification, especially so when done by a parent. The built-in blocks on intimacy are present within the children as well as the adult caregivers, and while on a more primitive level that will be poorly understood intellectually, from lack of life experience, there will be inner misgivings and warnings from the higher self setting off a kind of inner alarm. And that will be disquieting and may cause the child to resist whatever is done to lure them into an inappropriate physical relationship. So what we want to emphasize at this point is, this is not only rule-breaking and lawbreaking it is a violation of sovereignty of the soul that is designed into the system, into the very makeup and fiber of the being. It is a transgression that is a violation of trust and one's duty to be respectful of others and not cause harm, particularly when there are bonds of friendship and love at stake as is true for family members. It is for those reasons that one of the favorite pastimes of dark spirit meddlers, the fallen angelic, so-called demons of the Bible, is to encourage sexual molestation in their host because they know it will hurt. They know it will be disruptive, that it will undermine the perpetrator as well as the victim. It will change the nature of their energetic vibration and the kind of energy they will draw to keep themselves going will become darker and this will be a better match to the dark spirits possessing the individual. They will be fanning the flames to get more, and corrupting the thoughts and feelings to get people into trouble and then make it worse through repeating the transgressions. This dynamic is more insidious and powerful than appreciated by people hearing about such events. It is typically viewed as simply an act of selfishness and self-indulgence done for a primitive and thoughtless moment of self-gratification. This belies the depth of corruption it takes to cause such a transgression that is not only a violation of sovereignty but a betrayal of the soul and what should be loving intentions. Our wanting to focus on this deeper insight is not to add further condemnation, and particularly, not to fan the flames of hatred for those who take advantage of the innocence of youth and the natural youthful expectations that caregivers can be trusted. This is an object lesson in how evil gets the upper hand and has the potential to corrupt people in ways that seem unthinkable. We want to make clear that the fault is not simply with the person who commits such acts of abuse, but the force of evil causing their corruption. That causal influence is completely unknown to society and goes largely unchecked. Whatever is done to a sexual abuser in being punished by the legal system, let alone shunned by friends and family, perhaps, will not harm the dark possessing spirits who cause the dark events to happen. They will continue preying on their host whether they are in a prison or successfully hiding their crimes. Human society has a huge law enforcement and legal system of jurisprudence to deal with criminals, in recognizing the huge damage they can do and even become a threat to civilization and its survival without law and order to keep things running smoothly. But what if criminals were invisible and people routinely found things missing suddenly, or damaged by acts of vandalism, seemingly without leaving a trace that would allow finding the culprit and holding them to account? We can tell you that, in fact, the majority of criminals and criminal acts are caused by dark spirit manipulation of those individual human beings who choose to cross the line and harm others to benefit themselves. In the end, they lose as well, and that rewards their possessing spirits with additional dark energy of suffering and will be considered a win for their side when they drag a human down to their level of depravity. While criminality needs to be reckoned with, here as well, society is oblivious to the true causes and thereby prevented from finding true solutions. Returning to the subject of this case study, a young woman subjected to sexual abuse in early childhood, the evil she was subjected to lived on within her. She was blamed by her family once her story was revealed, because it reverberated and affected everyone by creating a dilemma not only difficult to deal with, but ever-present with constant painful reminders at family gatherings of the dark history as a further complication happening all too often. Her story was not believed by some and this created warring factions within the family, with people taking sides, and both sides blamed her for the creation of this problem, tearing the family apart. Into this dark vortex came divine grace, at long last, when that family was added to the wish list of a member of the Divine Life Support program and the problems they carried could be given higher-level focus and attention because there were active requests coming from the human side seeking divine help and intervention, actively and specifically, and comprehensively, with respect to addressing all the different component parts and their consequences. The Lightworker Healing Protocol and the Deep Subconscious Mind Reset work in an integrated fashion on every type of negativity that can befall a being and cause problems. They start with removal of dark spirit presences and moves on to their consequences, including alteration of the mind, state of being within the heart, and the deep inner beliefs about the self and others. The protocols work both indirectly on all the influences affecting the recipient of the healing, but also with the individual's deep subconscious mind to address inner fear, corrupted beliefs, and the missing or inadequately expressed soul attributes that impart humanness and wherewithal to be an effective and happy human being, capable of being not only comfortable in one's own skin but a joy to others as a friend or companion. So all the things that can get broken with thoughtless acts of criminality, or heartless cruelty, or selfish predation of others, can be worked on systematically to right the ship, bring things back into alignment, and shore up areas of weakness through repairing the karmic damage of past trauma. The protocols work not only on the current life but all the parallel lifetimes, past, present, or future, because these, as well, influence one another in a vast complex exchange of energy. An additional dynamic here with this woman is that she was born into a family with a father who had abused her in prior lifetimes. It was that karmic history that was given a priority for the current incarnation to come into life with the same father-daughter relationship, to work on that prior series of dilemmas with the hopes of forestalling a reoccurrence and beginning to heal that history as a consequence of making gains. When the old pattern reemerged, aided and abetted as had happened before, by dark spirit attachments in the father, the abuse reopened the old wounds and piled onto that tragic karmic legacy. The request for healing that began, finally, for that victim as a young woman, brought in a divine intervention capable of retracing all the threads, the intertwining entanglements and interactions, to bring healing to bear. This is a cardinal feature of divine healing in action, that it is retrocausal, meaning that a healing intention of the present can be sent into the past to undo or mitigate harm taking place. And this changes history in a way that eventually will reach the present and the future as well, to undo the damage by changing the energetic signature of what is on record that took place, as with an act of sexual abuse in prior lifetimes. This is challenging to even comprehend let alone to believe for many, but it is a feature of divinity that such things are routine, because the divine is truly omniscient, omnipresent, and omnipotent. The key thing that needs to happen is for someone to recognize a need and speak up. We cannot intrude on anyone's life and change anything unless we are requested to do so. That is the gift you enjoy of free agency and free will. All too often, those privileges are abused for selfish reasons, and in a state of ignorance the victims will often suffer without assistance because they do not know how to seek help and may have no one as an effective advocate to do so for them. That is what the Divine Life Support membership provides for those individuals and loved ones on their wish list for coverage. There are many scourges of all kinds largely unopposed, still, in your world, but they are included, specifically, in the requests of the healing protocols. They are addressed with many kinds of leveraging to further empower those requests, to compound their benefits and add additional strengthening through a pooling of energies in common cause by the many requesting help in the group of practitioners utilizing the protocols, and sharing their energies as well for a further amplification of the benefits. So the addition of this young woman on the roster of recipients for Divine Life Support healing has begun to take effect in her life. The first benefit was removal of dark spirit attachments that she was inflicted with because of the emotional turmoil caused by those early episodes of abuse making her vulnerable. Once those spirits moved in, they carried out a campaign of inner torment, further abusing her to corrupt her thinking, shatter her self-image, and blame herself for what happened that so disrupted her life and her family. Once free of those tormentors, we began to repair the emotional damage and its consequences in distorting her beliefs about herself and her self-worth, and thus raised her up little by little to feel better about her life and be open to good things happening. We see that trajectory continuing and enabling her to find a worthy life partner, and to be a worthy partner herself, free of guilt and capable of offering love. She otherwise would have been a bottomless pit of need and unlikely to sustain a marriage. This healing has been extended as well to other members of the family, including the perpetrator because his soul was at risk of much further damage. The healing of that perpetrator, in fact, will be the greatest ultimate gift for the young woman herself. One of the most important lessons we can teach you from this example is that once victimized, you are in a karmic dance with your perpetrator and whether sight unseen or not, you will be joined at the hip energetically, and will continue to influence one another whether together or not. In most cases, there will be a reunion and a potential replay of prior difficulties. This will be seen to by the Law of Karma, in fact, because it is the most direct and powerful way to heal, to revisit the scene of the crime with an opportunity to change things for the better. While it is the most effective way to force a reconciliation or a successful resolution in a very deep way that even heals prior lifetimes, it can be quite distressing, not only opening up old wounds but compounding them with a worsening and even greater culmination in tragedy because of that intensification. This is where divine grace is such a blessing because it provides an additional option for healing to happen, at the behest of good intentions coming from interested parties capable of sharing great love for another, so that love can be used effectively as a solution for their tragic circumstances. This is a perfect way, in fact, to describe the Divine Life Support program, that it is a conveyor of loving intentions with a far greater power, specificity, and effectiveness, than can be applied through the ordinary tools of society and its institutions. Nothing is a greater testament to the power of love than divine grace wielding that love power and ending a cycle of bitterness, hatred, and suffering, and allowing a former victim and their perpetrator to be reborn into a future life of happiness, in loving families living joyfully. And that is underway now for these individuals and their family members.