DWQA QuestionsCategory: Divine Life SupportCan you give us a case study example for our next webinar of an individual or group helped by the Lightworker Healing Protocol and Deep Subconscious Mind Reset protocol as tools of Divine Life Support membership?
Nicola Staff asked 4 months ago
The individual we wish to highlight in this session is someone who struggled lifelong with severe and crippling anxiety, filled with fear, self-doubt, and self-judgment to the point of being sidelined from life quite severely, unable to function in school, becoming friendless through extreme social anxiety, and barely clinging to a professional life in modest paying jobs where communication with others was not required, and so was hindered from advancing, being regularly overlooked by supervisors, because he was not seen as promising. This is someone who is the poster child for the scriptural description of "hiding one's light under a bushel." If people show nothing of themselves by giving nothing of themselves to others, the people around them will dismiss them as not being worthy of consideration, spending time on getting to know them, and certainly not befriending them and becoming their champion. This was a prescription for leading a life of loneliness and mediocrity and is true for untold millions among the human population for whom there is often a token reason one might point to or conclude about oneself, for example, being the last in line amongst a number of other siblings who had a head start and feeling like the runt of the litter, or someone who is of an unimpressive stature, as a male, and tends to be discriminated against by peers who, as children, greatly prize sports ability as a key to social acceptance. For females, it is often finding fault with appearance in seeing the self as not measuring up, not able to compete, and this makes them become painfully self-conscious. By squelching their own personality, there is no light of any kind shining forth and it becomes a self‑condemnation that is mirrored in the treatment by those around them who might not only ignore them as they attempt to fade into the background, but might scorn them through a similar judgment based on surface characteristics alone. The most important thing to learn from the example we are using here is that there are many factors that typically conspire to create a state of affairs of extreme unhappiness and disconnection from society. In the case of this individual, there is a long karmic history of being considered second-rate and unworthy, having been bullied in lifetime after lifetime by his peers and also by older siblings and even younger ones at times. In a sense, people define themselves for the world to see by their actions in exhibiting how they themselves choose to fit in. When children are neglected or abused, and subjected to bullying from a very young age, and this can happen at the hands of parents as well, this conditions them to be on the defensive and to not put their best foot forward in new situations but avoid eye contact, chances to express themselves, let alone take the initiative, and thus contribute in a positive way that can gain recognition and appreciation of their peers and the adults around them, such as teachers. So this creates an ongoing climate where this individual ended up last in line again and again. This karmic dilemma is a difficult one to escape from. It is much like quicksand. When children do not grow the muscles to compete and hold their own, with confidence and a show of energy, they will likely be pushed aside by those more assertive and capable, and that will be a source of inner shame and discouragement that can truly handicap an individual for life from childhood on. In effect, such a life is much akin to the construction of a personal prison that will hinder growth and learning, and often lead to increasing emotional problems and, if these worsen enough to make a person dysfunctional and unemployable, they will often end up amongst the homeless and might well die young from being preyed on by others seeing them as a weakling. Their condition physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually will also greatly weaken the body and subject it to chronic stress. This creates a perfect environment for the Law of Karma to seek out past karmic traumas and bring those energies around to bear on the current life as a match to the individual being in a weakened condition. So our example for today was not only starting life coming from behind through inner trepidation and then mistreatment, first by family and then by a widening circle of individuals encountered, but was visited again and again by the Law of Karma bringing forth challenge after challenge to confront him with criticism, confrontational aggressiveness to best him, and thus leave him feeling diminished and on display as a loser to others. When someone starts life in a weakened condition, coming from behind because of the karmic agenda setting them up to be ill-prepared and on the defensive, and then karma piles on the negativity experienced previously, perhaps in more than one lifetime of misery, such individuals may simply fall by the wayside and will likely be seen as deserving failure because they are unable to compete with others and hold their own. Our perception of such individuals is one of full understanding that they are the equals of everyone else, in our eyes, as a deserving and worthy soul-based being, who was our creation to begin with, and comprising our own energy in a unique set of composite capabilities and potentials. They have simply been roughed up by the slings and arrows of life once too often, and this tipped the balance towards the negative in a way that began to compound the difficulty, and create a downward spiral rather than a life of making progress that would be a perfect starting point for the next incarnation, but instead had the opposite take place—each life lowered the capabilities and potential to excel in the next life because of the string of failures, disappointments, and mounting suffering that happened inevitably. We are on record as saying that, "Karma is The Great Leveler," and also that, "Karma will out." It is an automatic mechanism that forces people to reckon with their shortcomings. It is intended to be a reminder and incentive to do better, try harder, and get help if progress seems impossible. In actuality, there is always a path available to everyone which will enable them to gain ground. In today's world, it is increasingly the case that people are discouraged to seek and devote themselves to a spiritual way of life. It used to be that this was a given and understood by nearly everyone to be the way life needed to be lived to have a future of happiness and success. The young man we speak of here was not given encouragement as a child that there are answers in partnering with the divine. Without the benefit of belief in a higher power, and taught the practice of prayer, he was cut off from his greatest source of help because we can, indeed, rescue such individuals when we are invited to take part. What has happened for this person is that he was included on the wish list of a member of the Divine Life Support program of GetWisdom, and so has been the beneficiary of many healing sessions designed to address the whole gamut of negative influences, not only for his current life and upbringing but all the prior lifetimes that had been part of a downward spiral, over and over, worsening things and compounding the damage to a crippling level. With repeated healing, through the advanced Lightworker Healing Protocol and Deep Subconscious Mind Reset, we worked on peeling back the layers of negativity encasing him and, in effect, smothering him and rendering him helpless. Instead, little by little, he has come out of his shell and begun to see there are steps he could take to engage with others. Each time he did so, we were there to encourage those around him he interacted with to shine a little light his way, to give him a smile or some words of encouragement, to simply treat him as an accepted member of society without the judgment he was so trapped in using against himself. That, too, began to fall away because, particularly with the Deep Subconscious Mind Reset, he was given the coaching and facilitation of ways to fundamentally replace a negative mindset of self-critical beliefs with a more positive outlook. This was, in effect, removing the handcuffs he had put in place in surrendering to pessimism, from infancy. We also worked to shore up the soul attributes most needed for him to gain strength and confidence in dealing with others by helping him to feel acceptable. What is most needed for someone hitting rock bottom is not only a desire to change but a willingness to see it as possible and not prevent it from happening. People become their own worst enemy when they judge and condemn themselves. People can hurt themselves far more than what others can do, and that was the case here, that most of what needed to happen was a healing for his self-harm over the years and the course of lifetimes. He took to heart every criticism, every negative circumstance, and blamed himself, and came to hate himself all the more. No one can survive such a level of toxicity indefinitely because it displaces love energy which is the essence of the life force itself—the gift of life from us that brought all of you into existence and keeps you among the living. Because the deep mind holds the greatest power in its ability to harm or help the self, the Deep Subconscious Trauma Resolution we have done for him again and again has provided a turning point for him to truly begin moving forward in positive ways that enable him to gain ground now. He has found his footing and is making progress with a career and meeting someone he fell in love with and, for the first time, can give of himself and be deserving of the love of others, as relationships need to be mutually rewarding to flourish. So he is on his way to a life of success, by our standards, and in ways that tower over what has gone before. This is the power of divine partnership that can come about through application of the healing protocols over sufficient time. We encourage everyone to take this to heart, that the work they do on themselves, and the inclusion of others they care about on their wish list, to receive help in kind, are truly working miracles most would say are impossible, yet they are happening. This is the power and divinity of the human family at its best, taking care of their own, and that means their being with us because we all belong together.