DWQA QuestionsCategory: PrayerCan you give some comments about the reasons why we need to bless all beverages? Can that be combined under the food prayer you gave us?
Nicola Staff asked 7 years ago
The ingestion of all beverages can be included in the prayer for blessing meals as normally this is a part of meals. Any beverages enjoyed in between mealtimes are best taken as opportunities for a prayer request as well. There are many hazards among beverages. Some are inherently dangerous, some are much more heavily laden with psychic energies of all kinds. So one can imagine that water is the most natural, but still is not free of negativity. There can be unhealthy levels of natural substances such as minerals and other chemicals from the earth so that long-term health consequences may emerge. This can be adjusted for as part of a blessing request done routinely. There, of course, are many sources of pollution of water depending on its origins but are becoming hard to avoid with the larger and growing footprint of human on the planet. There are many waste products in industry—the many industrial chemicals as well as excreted pharmaceuticals of all kinds being present in recycled wastewater and reentering the food chain. These may be at low levels still, but that does not prevent an effect energetically because they will nonetheless attract psychic energies in addition to having their innate biochemical consequences on the body. The water can accumulate many direct psychic energies from all involved in creating and supplying the source, all the way through the chain of production to the consumer, whether done through piping to a home or apartment complex or delivered as bottled water. Every human involved in handling the water in some fashion can leave their mark energetically, from having personal discord or unhappiness, and sometimes even angry feelings towards their employer, and the drudgery of their existence, and so on. All of these things are a kind of stain that will lower the vibration inherent in the water consumed. The many liquids with nutritional content have parallel issues, beyond the well-recognized issue of microbial contamination. They may be contaminated both with chemicals entering the food chain and then excreted, as happens with milk from cows grazing a polluted field for instance. There can be chemicals added in the production to stabilize, to add colorants, or flavorings, or preservatives, all of which can have quite negative chemical effects with chronic administration, as well as an overlay of negative energies they attract, and will go along to the consumer to be ingested. The alcoholic beverages have their own problems because of the great misfortune of those addicted to their use. So all such beverages will have an extra overlay of psychic energy of human suffering and despair. And as you know, these energies accumulate. The beverage will be metabolized and unneeded components excreted or used as energy, but the psychic energies will accumulate within the body unless they are cleansed. So it is far better to remove these before ingestion. There are also rarer instances of deliberate contamination and poisoning. This is done by the Deep State in some circumstances to cause problems for people and undermine health. The most frequent example is fluoridation of water. There are also many instances where questions are raised about mercury or lead or arsenic, and authorities are quite slow to act. This is no accident as it serves the darkness to have humans impaired and dragged down. As if this were not enough to worry about, there is also the issue of the alien microchips that are often added to liquid beverages as a vector to transmit them to areas of the population. These are too small to be detected and will contaminate the body and serve as a technological mechanism to transduce the programming inherent in all electronic media that are subliminal but transduced by the microchips into messages that are perceived by the subconscious on a very deep level. And then the people are manipulated in a corresponding fashion by the messages without their conscious awareness or permission. This is quite routine and the practice quite widespread. Many fast food chains have microchips in both food and beverages at this point. So rather than point fingers and raise alarm and deny people the convenience and enjoyment of their favorite restaurants, it is much easier to do a prayer blessing to have them removed by divine realm and this is quite doable. It is easier to remove something foreign that is intruding into the earth plane than the handiwork of humans themselves, because even when misguided, humans have standing and their free will must be allowed in most cases, even when causing harm. So given the many hazards, it is only prudent to take seriously everything ingested into the body, solid or liquid for any purpose, as food, as a form of recreation as with snacks and treats, and all liquids, which range from the necessary to the enjoyable but less than desirable, as in the case of alcohol. All will benefit from having a clearing done by divine realm to remove negativity.