DWQA QuestionsCategory: PrayerCan you construct for us an effective prayer for blessing medication before ingesting it and discuss the benefits so this can be a part of the intention of those using the prayer?
Nicola Staff asked 7 years ago
This can be done as you have foreseen in a closely analogous way to that done to bless food. So one can say simply, “Source Creator, bless this medication to remove all negativity and leave only what is highest and best,” and this will do nicely for purposes of understanding and to promote the desired focus of intention which is always helpful for divine realm in needing to stay closely within the constraints of the human request to not violate the rules. There are many unseen elements that are a part of use of medication by its very nature. By the very reason it is brought into being, the medicine itself is subject to influence of psychic energy from all involved in the drug manufacturing process, from conception to delivery to the pharmacy. All involved in the chain of events, the doctor writing the prescription, the pharmacist stocking the medication and filling the prescription, everyone in their organization pondering the formulary and deciding what to include and not to include, and so on, touches the medication in some way energetically. Because of the nature of the illness and suffering it entails, medication will draw to it many negative psychic entanglements. All the fears and suffering and pain of the sufferer will become intermingled with the physical medication itself, as this is a component of the Law of Attraction. And so if someone is suffering pain, when they ingest a pain pill it will carry with it the seeds of pain because of the psychic intentions from the negativity of pain sufferers serving as a reservoir of energy that will surround and contaminate the pain medication itself. The psychiatric medications have a large component of this from having the pain of all of the anguish and despair, the fears, the self-recrimination, all of the components of one who suffers mentally and emotionally as a consequence of having imbalance in their life in a way that affects their ability to cope and adds to their life stress, all these sources of influence as a stressful energy will impinge on everything associated with the person’s dilemma and this includes the medication coming their way. It will come in with a kind of collective energy that is deposited by the collective consciousness of humanity with respect to suffering from the patient’s condition. So, in a sense, each sufferer of a malady will share their suffering with all others in a similar situation, and then beyond to the larger community as a whole. It will be little noticed by most humans, but anyone who identifies with a sufferer will be reaching out intuitively to the collective unconscious and will bring back some of that suffering and it will cause a twinge within them. This stirs the passion and will open up an opportunity for a healing through love energy coming in in the form of compassion. So the person at once heals themselves and that love will go out to those sufferers as well. In the same way, dark thoughts, fears, pain, suffering, despair, all of the elements of the sufferer will be projected into the medicines intended to treat those conditions and this will be an overlay of negativity. As the person takes their pills, they are ingesting some of the effects of the illness and some of the symptoms of the illness as well. This will eventually have consequences. This is a major reason for difficulty in weaning oneself from medication. The rebound phenomena are to a large degree the unmasking of such negativity. So once the drug effect washes out, which usually is fairly rapid, this leaves the person vulnerable to all the negativity of the illness they have been also accumulating with each dose of medication, and there can be quite a large reservoir of such negativity with nothing to soften that blow. Without the medication to deal with the symptoms, it may well cause a relapse and a major crisis for the person and send them back to the doctor for a new prescription, or perhaps they may be persuaded to even increase the medication if the old dose no longer contains the symptoms adequately because the rebound has hit them with such force. And then they will be back on the treadmill in worse shape than before, because the same process will resume, only now they will be taking in greater negativity along with a greater dose of the medication with all the attendant chemical side effects now being an increased risk from the higher dose level the patient is subjected to. The answer here, as with blessing of food, as well as beverages, is to ask for all negativity to be removed from whatever is taken internally. This will go a long way to minimizing the pitfalls here in not having a worsening of human intentions, to only be of help by providing medication for illness. This is an excellent strategy and can be done by the person themselves directly, or can be done by a loved one on their behalf in the case of nonbelievers, in the case of children, or others who are impaired and not able to follow these sort of instructions. A person in doubt may well need an advocate who is in alignment with the light with a sufficient belief quotient to obtain cooperation and support of the divine realm, which will not happen to the nonbeliever or someone who has only meager belief. This may seem harsh, but it is the way of things. There are strict rules in play. This is why it is good to cultivate one’s faith and work on the belief quotient so that one can stand strong and rely on themselves effectively and not need caregivers to do it for them. But it is the next best thing, to have loved ones who are concerned and will make the effort on a person’s behalf if needed.