DWQA QuestionsCategory: HealingCan the divine cause a benefit of a homeopathic remedy that is believed to be of help for a particular malady, but is actually worthless?
Nicola Staff asked 3 years ago
If someone is engaging in a homeopathic treatment that has no inherent mechanistic basis that is relevant in correcting deficiency in the body of some kind, there may be a slight placebo effect alone provided by their own consciousness, but that will not likely be able to shift something of a major impact, like a chronic health condition. It might reduce symptoms somewhat, but that will usually be short-lived. So here again, for the divine to chime in, there must be a request. We cannot simply look at someone wanting to help themselves but engaging in a kind of folly and rush in out of pity, much as we would like to help everyone who is in need and who suffers. That is not the purpose of life, to be sheltered, protected, and saved from every source of negativity, even though we could do so. That would short-circuit your learning and the benefit of physical existence in teaching you how to learn and grow in ways that could not happen otherwise. If things come too easy, they will not be appreciated and there will be no understanding of how to deal with situations when people might be cut off from high-level capability of their consciousness alone. That is the plight of human beings at the moment, and you can see the results are evident everywhere in the workings of the world and all that is out of balance. If someone has prayed for assistance with a health condition, for example, and then engages with a homeopathic therapy that is actually misguided, lacking any mechanistic relevance to the disorder, the divine might help any way, to bring further healing to bear based on that prayer request, aside from what they are doing with the homeopathic remedy being administered. The driving force here is the intention of the person to better themselves, and that can be a raising of their vibration in respecting themselves, wanting to care for themselves, and not being resigned to their fate and surrendering to the state of negativity they find themselves struggling with. So in such instances, if there are separate desires for divine assistance or especially, a prayer given along with the homeopathic treatment, we can bring a benefit totally aside from what the homeopathic remedy is capable of doing.