DWQA QuestionsCategory: Healing ModalitiesCan prayer requests for reawakening stem cell repair work just as well as dietary supplements, and without the need for stem cell autologous transplants?
Nicola Staff asked 3 years ago
Theoretically, anything can be accomplished through prayer. But on a practical level, some things are more feasible than others because they represent a greater gap that has developed between what is desired to have happen by the individual and the state of affairs of their physical makeup, as well as mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being and inner strength. So a lifetime of neglect and declining confidence in the self and belief in one's own ability to stand strong, will take a toll and that creates a wider gap needing to be filled in, for which, many times, the belief quotient will be inadequate for the average person to accomplish such a feat through divine intervention. The virtue of using a scientific approach in augmenting the diet with additional substances known to favor the physiologic changes that are desired meets the divine realm halfway in providing greater intention coming from the human side, as well as representing a kind of instruction to pattern after. And that enables the divine to do more than it can otherwise in having to surmount a gap represented by a sea of ignorance on the part of the requester if they know nothing about what is truly needed, and why any request for help they make will be much more difficult for us to honor, given the rules of engagement that you are supposed to be in charge and in the lead. Given these constraints, it is good advice to give others, to do both a reworking of their own diet and use of appropriate supplements, as well as focused prayer work to request a desired outcome, and that will bring the biggest benefits and sooner.