DWQA QuestionsCategory: Divine Life SupportCan my client’s coronary vessels be healed so they return to normal with enough healing work using the updated LHP and DSMR protocols that address removal of chronic viral infection?
Nicola Staff asked 2 years ago
You are fully justified in feeling a surge of excitement. You were tuning into the future and seeing there will be the dawning of a new day for her, down the line, once enough is done to fully clean up what is going on mechanistically. She needs more healing work for that to happen, but now the protocols are up to the task, even for someone who can put little or no personal conviction behind the healing. As you know, this is a major liability she creates for herself in being so relentlessly negative and believing more in her presumed bad luck than in the power of the divine. But she does remain in divine alignment. Her belief is strong in us, but feeble when it comes to her own self-worth. We are working on that as well, because it will be the key to the final push needed for complete restoration of normal function. We know that can happen, and you can take that to the bank. You will have a hard time convincing her still, at this point, but things will change for the better. It will take time for this to become visible and for definitive feedback to be obtained, but what matters is getting there. So doing the work needed up front is a small price to pay for saving a life and making that life worthwhile to be lived.