This inner corruption, in the workings of the deep mind, is a kind of bonus for the interlopers in having hobbled you to an even greater extent than intended. That liability helps them keep you in your places, helpless, and disempowered. The courage you speak of is not the answer for this disconnect and in the dilemma it brings about and, in fact, courage is more the end product of being in better balance to begin with, so it presumes some healing has either been applied or the person has not been made to suffer as greatly as others because of inner resilience and inner strength, which can include exhibiting courage as well. But that is more a product of circumstance, the genetic expression of the interdimensional DNA, and the soul attributes that configure the workings of the physical body, and its layers, that is arranged before birth for the launching of a new incarnation. So having courage, for the majority of people, is more realistically a goal to strive for, or an exhibit demonstrating attainment of inner equilibrium and wherewithal, or at least maintaining it if one is born with above-average strength and resilience, being able to roll with the punches, so to speak, not take things too much to heart, too personally, to be dragged down and disparaged with long-term damage to the psyche. Nor will courage heal you; it has many advantages in many kinds of situations but is more a coping mechanism and a maintenance utility than a deep answer for the human dilemma.
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