DWQA QuestionsCategory: Human CorruptionCan Creator tell us how Empowered Prayer and the Lightworker Healing Protocol can heal the ego, or help heal the ego if it cannot be done directly?
Nicola Staff asked 3 years ago
For the most part, problems of the ego are not due to an ego malfunction but rather a lack of restraint, a lack of an ability to control the ego to keep it within bounds, to keep one's balance, and not have the ego take sole charge of things, and perhaps run roughshod over others in service to the self, as that is its purpose and strong suit, to be a kind of personal powerhouse. When that is set loose without constraints and a balance from a gentler, loving energy that considers the needs and value of others, the consequences of one's action might perturb relationships and cause great harm, and even victimize others because of one's harsh treatment in search of ego gratification for personal gain. So, what is missing are the checks and balances, the ability to feel love, and allow love to flow. Many things will compete and constrain the flow of love. The worst by far, in terms of predominance throughout humanity, is harboring fear. It is fear that is a great barrier and limitation in achieving a vibrational state of being in alignment with the divine, both in terms of one's own sense of well-being and smooth functioning in carrying out their life in an effective way, and in terms of receiving divine assistance, support, inspiration, guidance, healing, and protection. In choosing fear, you are essentially saying "no" to divine love because the two are opposites and incompatible. So even though love might be offered, it cannot be recognized, embraced, put to use, and felt by the recipient when gripped by fear. So the quandary for human beings is, "How is help to arrive if someone is in such a sorry state that even the divine cannot offer an immediate solution?" The answer always is to have an objective way to go outside the fear and make intelligent, informed, high-level requests of the divine to correct the many sources of difficulty that generate and feed fear as an ongoing dilemma that so undermines the individual in its grip. Many who suffer greatly are unable to even mount a simple prayer effectively because they become so powerless they are not their own best advocate and spokesperson. Their state of helplessness and hopelessness becomes a strong barrier to receiving divine assistance, but one must start somewhere. We recommend prayer always, by everyone, because the right prayers implemented on a regular basis can begin a process of building greater inner resources to restore faith, and an effective partnership with Creator, ultimately. Everything an individual contributes to that goal will be important in achieving progress to lift that blanket of darkness and allow a more positive emotional climate to replace it. Even though it might be incremental and painfully slow to come about, once underway, the momentum can take on a life of its own and accelerate more and more. The healing needed to remove the inner barriers, making a positive response possible, is most effectively provided using the Lightworker Healing Protocol. And having a diminished loveline through a greatly weakened connection to the higher self, so the flow of love is diminished and one has only one's ego as a source of inner strength, puts them at a great disadvantage. But it is healing for that diminishment and the disconnection that is most needed to make progress. That might still require the rest of the lifetime to bring a meaningful change. So this puts in perspective that you need the most powerful tools you can get, given the size of the problem that has developed with humanity and many, many individual human beings. This the Lightworker Healing Protocol can provide. But even though the tool is powerful in the way it invokes many kinds of leveraging to magnify the reach, comprehensiveness, and effectiveness in bringing about changes, one must realize that the size of the problem is truly gigantic, having developed over many thousands of traumas experienced in hundreds of lifetimes for the average person. And it is not only one's direct experience but being influenced all along the way by many others, including friends and associates and the many perpetrators who will have energetic and karmic influence. So the true number of influences grows to be in the millions of interactions among the many influencers contributing to things, positive and negative. But given that so many lives are uneven and harsh, and even disappointing and ending in failure, at least as perceived by a suffering individual, there may well be more negatives than positives. And that is why there is a mountain of unmet healing need for most human beings still needing to be addressed to allow their full development and expression, even as a physical being. Ascension to a higher dimensional future that has been envisioned for humanity as a whole, will not happen until all of this healing has been addressed sufficiently, so humanity can ascend together, or not at all. Your part in this is to heal yourself, your loved ones, and then all others, and especially the perpetrators holding everything and everyone back. Without that, you cannot make it because you are opposed by such a large force of darkness determined to do away with humanity altogether. There is not time to heal all of humanity when it is under constant bombardment and further wounding by the forces of darkness. You simply must address these assailants to heal them enough they will leave you alone. Then you will have time to not only lick your wounds but set them right and gain ground like never before to a much higher and a more enjoyable level of functioning, joy, and happiness. If you embrace the tools we have given you and do your utmost to help all you can, and if you help awaken others to join the cause together, once a quorum of healers is reached, the tide will turn and you will be able to ascend and escape the dark treadmill you have been on for thousands of years now in working to solve the problem of evil within the physical plane of existence.