DWQA QuestionsCategory: Non-Local ConsciousnessCan Creator share with us how Empowered Prayer and the Lightworker Healing Protocol are the best means for responding to negative feelings and forebodings?
Nicola Staff asked 3 years ago
It is still not yet appreciated by mainstream science that there is always a reason for negative emotion and forebodings. It is not simply a mood state or perhaps, if excessive in the intensity with disruption of normal functioning, representing a pathological abnormality that might rise to the level it is considered a disorder. The inexplicable nature so many times of inappropriate thoughts and feelings, not having a readily perceived justification, gives rise to much scientific speculation that there might simply be a chemical imbalance in the brain, and the search will be on for a chemical that will tame the biochemical pathway that is being ramped up and seeming to be the cause of the problem. What is truly happening is the mind is working overtime, but for deep reasons, and much of it will be outside conscious awareness altogether. That is why the emotion seems to come from nowhere, with no good reason, and thus assumed to be some kind of housekeeping error—a biological dysregulation that is on a chemical level only with no deeper psychological meaning or purpose. What we can tell you is that almost always there is a reason, a predisposing circumstance, or circumstances, giving rise to the emotion in question, the mood state, and even a chronic year in and year out existential struggle with anxiety or depression. Because so much is unreachable by the conscious level of the mind, this makes the normal psychiatric approaches weak or ineffective in bringing true relief. The therapist will be flying blind, just as ignorant as the patient, in not being able to understand and discern the true cause of things in order to devise an effective treatment strategy. Because so many emotional problems and physical problems diagnosable as illness are karmic trauma working their way out through the body and causing discord, what is needed most times is karmic repair. In addition, there are external manipulations that can be done by dark spirits seeking to cause harm, or lost soul human spirits that are earthbound, unable to return to the heavenly realm after leaving the body upon death, and if they attach to a living person, will begin to perturb their host. But being invisible, the spirits will not be appreciated as the cause of sudden impulsiveness or feelings that are inappropriate like fear or anger. All of these difficulties are a divine-level problem because only the divine realm knows how to heal such things and set them right. The best way to get the divine realm to mount an intervention for healing is to know how to request high-level assistance. If you start with "Empowered Prayer," meaning, prayers that are constructed in ways to add leveraging to make them specific and address the nature of dealing with such energies, karmic dilemmas, and outside entities, and to make the prayer requests specific enough and empowered through leveraging, you will greatly increase the chance that the divine realm can help you meaningfully. A weak prayer, only asking for help, gives little for the divine realm to go on. It is not they do not see the problem, they will know much better than you what is going on and why, but they are only allowed to follow your lead, so when you request assistance, the more you know and understand your dilemma, and also what can be done by the divine realm, the more the divine will be empowered to do on your behalf—that is what is meant by Empowered Prayer—your being a true partner in the process and not a weakened helpless supplicant. Effective prayer becomes empowered also by the level of belief you hold; first of all, in the existence of the divine and, secondly, your belief in yourself as being worthy of divine intervention. If the belief quotient is inadequate, prayers cannot be acted on; it is that simple. So part of the empowerment of prayer may represent the need to build the belief quotient, to strengthen it so you feel more certain about the possibility, and indeed likelihood, the divine will hear you and act on your request. The more this is routine for you to do, the stronger your requests will be. Practice makes perfect, and this is very true of prayer, but knowing how to phrase the prayers for maximum effectiveness will take you a long way in getting divine assistance. The ultimate combination of specificity and deep knowledge of the possibilities is represented by the Lightworker Healing Protocol, which is a compendium of requests addressing all possible sources of negativity that can harm an individual or a group, and requesting a whole series of divine interventions, each with particular advantages and strategies to address energetic perturbations, and all of which work together, and indeed can be blended in a customized way for a particular client and their needs very elegantly by the divine realm. The person using the Lightworker Healing Protocol need not have that depth of understanding but only provide the list of requests with an open-ended intention for them to be used in the highest and best way. But without stating the particulars, the divine will not be able to make its best effort, in most situations, but only supply a partial answer, and that is because of the level of ignorance, in most cases, that people simply do not understand their dilemma, and indeed are relatively helpless. Since we must follow the human lead, a true resolution and healing will be very long in coming. Having the tools available to use Empowered Prayer and ideally the Lightworker Healing Protocol, to have the full array of strategies in the toolkit, the divine can do much, much more, and much more quickly, to bring healing to bear. Many problems that are quite common can take the whole course of a lifetime to heal, or many years. This is the nature of what humans face, having incarnated so many times and been impaired and harmed grievously over and over, the wounds are deep and wide, and healing them requires much intricate work across timelines on the many influencers contributing to the problems karmically, and each of those influencers will have their own history and complexities in what motivated them and all of the interplay. This is the most intricate of Gordian knots needing to be unraveled and put right. This is why it can take a long time, but these things will not heal on their own but will more likely worsen over time, and often cause a shortened life through the development of chronic illness or other road hazards. These tools can be used by almost anyone and, as with all things, practice makes perfect. There is some learning required; but used in earnest, this can provide a way to level the playing field and get your life truly on track and leading towards success. You have much that works against you from the darkness—the interlopers who want to undermine and ultimately destroy humanity—they corrupt your institutions and attack everyone individually to make you go to war with one another. This is the major reason healing is so difficult, it has kept you in a state of ignorance, and also with a very strong headwind that keeps you from advancing. Given the intensity of your opposition, history has been more of a holding action than representing true progress. It is time to break out of this pattern and begin to soar. Enlightenment is a healing journey; it will take you further than you can imagine if you do the healing for all that is in your way. Time is of the essence here, but it is not too late to change your destiny for the better. Each person needs to do this for themselves, and it will help all of humanity to add your energies in a productive way and not be on the sidelines.