DWQA QuestionsCategory: Human CorruptionCan Creator share how prayer work and the Lightworker Healing Protocol can help to heal those excessively plagued by boredom?
Nicola Staff asked 4 years ago
The plight of humanity, suffering as you do with all manner of difficulties, physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual, as reflected through your culture on all levels, and the environment you inhabit, given your frailty as a physical being that is fragile and subject to many wounds and premature death through illness or accident, there are many lessons to be learned. The chief way to proceed to make things better is through growth and learning the truth about the sources of the problems you face and are dealing with personally. All human beings are corrupted in their thinking and imparted with many negative beliefs that do not serve you but only take away. This long, long heritage of human suffering is a prescription for a continuation and even a worsening of difficulty and unpleasantness. This is much discussed today in America with the history of slavery—that is but one chapter in human history and is reflected in all the circumstances around the world where people are enslaved or simply subjugated by their leadership to make slaves of them as citizens, as serfs, as peasants, as underlings, as minions, to feed the government rulers and to be penalized through taxation to ensure this comes about. You have not lived in a normal world even though the average person has had hundreds of lifetimes as a physical human. Your potential is much grander than that, but will only be experienced if you can bring this about by staying on track and moving forward, and not to be in a continued state of subjugation and suppression or, as is happening now, a downward spiral leading to a planned annihilation courtesy of the Extraterrestrial Alliance. What is needed to right the ship is a return to divine alignment through a partnership to gain our assistance and help, which we can only give if you ask, because of the rules in force to honor your free will choices. If you choose to be a slave, this must be allowed. If you choose to be free and ask for our help to free you, there is much we can do but we need more than a broad request with little understanding on your part of what is going on, what needs changing, and how this might be done through divine means. We have taught you how to empower prayer and this is available on the GetWisdom website—that truly makes prayer much more worthwhile and will serve your interests greatly in helping to support humanity through this most critical period of the next few years when your fate will truly be decided one way or another. The Lightworker Healing Protocol is the premiere healing tool for arranging a divine partnership to do all that is needed from top to bottom in dealing with the interlopers, and their vast legacy of negativity they have embroiled you with karmically, which acts like an anchor and will prevent change for the better unless healing comes about in some way. The Lightworker Healing Protocol has all of the specific descriptions of the types of wounding and energetic dishevelment that can befall a human being. This has, indeed, been a long, long history for each and every human being, such that there is a huge backlog of unmet healing need, all of which has a negative karmic consequence because it will never go away on its own, it can only be healed through a purposeful partnering with the divine to arrange for this to happen. Human energy is not adequate to carry out deep karmic repair and healing. There are some minor superficial energetic improvements you can do using your own inner consciousness to see to energetically, but you have neither the energetic reach nor the understanding of the working details of how the universe is constructed to do little more than hand-waving in a desire for something good to be brought about, but with no real grasp of the details and the sequence of steps needed, nor how to execute them—that is beyond your paygrade entirely. It might not be beyond the egos of many so-called spiritual healers who think they are creating their reality and possessed of a profound spiritual reach, but that is more illusion than reality. It is a true inner awareness of their divine origin but not with an appreciation they have been neutered, in effect, energetically, not only through being in the physical environment with its constraints but also the genetic manipulation done by the extraterrestrials almost at the very beginning of human existence, to disconnect you from higher awareness, and even from your own deep subconscious. As a consequence, you do not understand your origins and have no way to perceive what needs healing, which is raging in the deep subconscious level and not perceivable on a conscious level—this is why you need divine help. The Lightworker Healing Protocol can see to this because it has a sufficient understanding not only of the sources of negativity and their nature in their interaction with the physical being and its consciousness, but also an understanding of how the divine realm heals. This allows practitioners to make direct requests for truly effective healing maneuvers for the divine to work on all parties to a problem who have created a karmic impairment or influence to the negative. This is done through all of time by working across time domains in your past, present and future lives, as well as the future extensions of all of the parallel lifetimes of your existence, and to work in parallel to bring healing for the perpetrators who are the cause of your dilemma to begin with—not only your family members through all of time but the larger soul collective sharing the lifetimes with you in various roles as helpers or detractors, as the case might be, as well as the many perpetrators who have harmed you, both spirit and physical, human or non-human, as well as the archetypes of influence, the cultural beliefs, the ancestral beliefs, and all that is lodged within the akashic records of humans, animals, and extraterrestrials whom you interact with that needs healing to restore a balance that will, in turn, bring upliftment and a restoration through an empowerment of your being. And in addition, healing will be done on the influences of the collective unconscious of both humans and extraterrestrials that acts as a kind of reference for each person, because their deep subconscious will check in at regular intervals to see what is brewing, where the culture stands, what others are thinking, and where they might be within that vast array of possibilities, that vast sea of energy. With the high level of negativity in all that is taking place, much of what is seen and felt in response will be a discouragement rather than an encouragement, and that adds further woundings. So this is only an example of the kinds of maneuvers the divine realm can use to address all the wrongdoing and harm that has come your way and is affecting all those around you, directly and indirectly, by correcting all that has happened through the actions of these perpetrators. It will end up healing them as well. That is the path to your future of greatness and the unlimited expansion we see in the future for you, if you can solve the problem of evil in your world. It is squarely in your way blocking your path; if you choose to do nothing, your fate is certain through the hands of the extraterrestrials who plan to annihilate you. We know you do not wish to hear this any more than we like saying these words, but it is the current reality. This is a problem that is solvable, and by you, and can only be done by you and others of like mind reaching out to the divine. This is why prayer and the Lightworker Healing Protocol are the true answer for having a better future, or even a future at all, as a part of the Earth. Your soul is immortal but your investment in this enterprise as a human will pay many dividends if it is not thwarted—that is what is at stake now and you can see to—to win the day.