DWQA QuestionsCategory: Divine GuidanceCan Creator share how Empowered Prayer Work and the Lightworker Healing Protocol can help us live balanced lives where fun and recreation play an important fulfilling role, rather than being a source of distraction and ultimate sidelining of divine objectives?
Nicola Staff asked 3 years ago
All of the examples we have explored speak to the wisdom of maintaining a kind of balance in the use of one’s time and energy to allow relaxation, downtime, and creating opportunities to indulge in pleasurable activities, things that involve fun and recreation, as a break from the drudgery of work if such is necessary. Or there may be times when even simply having to be focused intently on difficult and demanding and challenging tasks that are deemed of great importance and may be serving a passionate goal, are nonetheless draining and potentially debilitating without taking time to recharge through relaxation and recuperating from a high-level energy expenditure that, due to practical limitations, can only go on for so long without a rest period. There is wisdom in finding a good balance so one is attending to the broadest array of needs. One cannot be a warrior on a constant basis, there must be time for rest and recuperation, and this is true of everyone, no matter what one does as a career or in service to a higher good, no matter how dedicated and passionate you might be in pursuing your life’s goals, there always needs to be some time out taken for trivial pursuits and simply time devoted to relaxation when you can stand down and not have to really accomplish anything but enjoy yourself in a leisurely activity—taking a hot bath, doing some sunbathing, or simply walking in the out of doors with no other responsibilities or goals in mind than having an outing to enjoy the fresh air and sunshine and feel the breeze on your skin and take in the sights, hopefully some natural beauty, and perhaps have at least brief encounters with others to simply smile or say, "Hello," comment on the weather, and so on, but feel a part of the pulse of life. It is rejuvenating and restorative and to have a balance in those things is the goal of a well-lived life. One cannot attain or maintain a healthy balance when one is troubled, when one is downtrodden, when one is experiencing depths of emotion that are crippling, or physical maladies that restrict movement and make one a hostage to a poorly working body that limits life and its enjoyments. This is where prayer and the Lightworker Healing Protocol can come to the rescue to help one restore inner capability to have a wide array of choices that are practical and doable, and not out of the question because a person has become poorly functional and limited in what they are able to handle emotionally or physically, or both. Those limitations create a kind of wounding of the soul and a negative karmic consequence will ensue from all the suffering this causes. You have a sacred duty to protect yourself from harm, to serve your soul in the highest and best way, and do what keeps you in alignment spiritually, because you will suffer if you fail your sacred duty. There will be a consequence and it will build over time the more you are out of alignment. The path back can be assisted greatly through partnering with the divine and making deliberate requests, including raising your belief quotient in the divine if needed. That will help you greatly, to gain the most from prayer work as well as using the Lightworker Healing Protocol that has built-in measures to help you recover and maintain a steadfast belief both in the divine and in yourself—those are the two requisites for getting divine assistance and so are important aspects and healing needs if things are not right and there is a shortfall or deficit in your makeup that brought about a limitation in your capability. Attaining any goal worth having will only be enhanced through a divine partnership. It will keep you hale and hearty, give you inner strength, and keep you safe from harm, better able to handle the slings and arrows of life and more likely to come out on top, unfazed, because you are strong enough to be unflappable. You will be able to think on your feet, hold your own, and deflect criticism when it is truly unwarranted without being wounded and dragged down by unhealthy negative judgment and physical stress reactions that will weaken you and even undermine your health by making you more vulnerable through weakness. Striving for perfection can be a useful strategy, but not when taken to excess and leading to a kind of self-judgment through an overreaction to perceived failure, when all that really is going on is the need for a course correction because lack of perfection is inherent in existence. When the universe is ever-expanding, one can only learn and grow and one can never attain an ultimate state of existence in any respect because there will always be room for more, something better, something greater, something more complex, more varied, more complete in one respect or many. This is not a failing then, it is simply the experiencing of greater opportunity. That can be an incentive and encouragement to do more, to do it better, and the inspiration to take on a greater challenge will bring a greater reward in the end. Failure does not exist when living through love, which recognizes there is always more to do, always more to gain, and always more to experience and appreciate through the giving and receiving of love as a primary objective because that will engineer a way of living that serves everyone, and will not be bringing pain but shared growth in gaining ground that raises everyone up in the doing. There is room for all when there is limitless expansion underway. It is an illusion and a false conclusion when one thinks in terms of winners and losers. Being in divine alignment and drawing on Creator’s love is the path to joy and happiness. Anything in your way is a healing need and a healing opportunity, and you will learn and grow in learning how to heal it, to make things better and guarantee your future will be one of joy and bliss you help bring about by doing your part in a divine partnership with endless possibilities.