DWQA QuestionsCategory: Human CorruptionCan Creator comment on the divine outlook between nurturing and discipline? How does karma utilize those modalities to assist beings in developing true self-confidence?
Nicola Staff asked 4 years ago
Karma is the great leveler, it teaches many lessons, it is relentless, and eventually will catch up to everyone who has made a misstep or an error and caused something to be out of alignment, big or small. The difficulty for physical humans is that karma lags, in a time sense, and can be rather late in coming to teach a clear lesson to the perpetrator or a misguided individual who will commit errors but not see a day of reckoning for perhaps years or even until another lifetime. The consequences of one’s conduct in being reflected back to them by others around them is a quicker means of feedback that can help people learn better ways to navigate and use their energies productively in a helpful rather than harmful fashion. They will likely be called out quickly if they overreach and take risks and fail to have the wherewithal. If they are difficult to get along with by being harsh and abrasive, confrontational, too egotistical and arrogant, or the opposite in being shy and retiring and too timid to be relied on, they will likely get feedback from people around them. If this is done with nurturing and encouragement, it can help them grow and overcome their liabilities. When they are treated with respect and in a positive way, wanting to simply make things better for all concerned, including themselves as a potential cause of difficulty, this nurturing will contribute to the betterment of the situation and all involved. There are many times when a sterner force might need to be applied to rein in misconduct in particular when it is backed by strong emotion or a mismatch of energies, or someone is acting in a misguided way through inner corruption and is a would-be perpetrator about to strike. Sometimes application of discipline from someone in greater authority, or perhaps a group acting in concert to apply collective pressure to rein in someone misbehaving, can provide an object lesson for them as a comeuppance that can have great impact and teach them an important life lesson, and this may lead to healthy self-reflection and a more subdued and cooperative tack taken in the future, at least under ideal circumstances if dealing with someone who is not heavily corrupted and lacking in any guilt or remorse because of a conduct disorder. This ability to provide healthy feedback is the hallmark of human endeavors conducted in openness with a level playing field where all are valued, all have standing, all have rights. It is when things are in a heavily structured hierarchy that many, many distortions occur. Humanity is programmed to believe in the hierarchy as a way to organize things and the most desirable management structure, but this is not truly the case. It can work because people believe in it and will knuckle under, but it is far from ideal in obtaining the greatest level of happiness and productivity. When people are working as a team and feel like equals, if only in having an area of personal control and autonomy, and are valued members, and their contributions listened to and considered carefully regardless of their place in the pecking order with respect to seniority, length of experience, and so on, this is an ideal situation when all can feel empowered to express themselves and exercise their own initiative and creativity. It is often a newcomer unencumbered by conventional thinking and hidebound historical precedent who is able to think out of the box, so to speak, and come up with a novel solution to a knotty problem that has kept experts unable to make any progress for years working on the same problem. So again, the contrast between the unfettered divine flow and impulse of the divine human will win out as a source of inspiration and influence over the learning acquired through being buffeted about by the feelings and opinions of individuals largely motivated by self-interest and subject to petty jealousies and inner fear and anxiety about having to compete, and perhaps turning to underhanded tactics as a response to feeling threatened, and this can undermine the unity and satisfaction and performance of an entire organization because toxic work conditions are a great hindrance to human progress.