DWQA QuestionsCategory: Allan KardecBoth Allan Kardec and Karl Mollison share not only similar interests and agendas, but a notable similarity of the organization of their written work, and that is the question-and-answer format that we see in Karl’s e-books, the Divine Wisdom Database, and originally in The Spirits’ Book by Allan Kardec. Are there criteria for soul characteristics that manifest in earthly existence that pass from one incarnation to the next?
Nicola Staff asked 3 years ago

It is quite true that the soul makeup will out, so to speak. There are many soul characteristics to choose among in formulating a life plan and choosing the framework for that life to unfold. It is not only the makeup of the individual who is incarnating and all that has come before, adding something to that soul learning and expression, but the very genetics assigned to that soul as a composite of the ancestral lineage they will be joining, to be in a particular family, as well as complementing their most needed soul characteristics for the life plan to come. In most cases, there will be a mix of positive and negative attributes needing to be put in place, because there are almost always positive and negative prior experiences needing to be rebalanced or built upon. And the right makeup of the individual coming into life must match the karmic imperatives that will arise, because that will cause the resonance for things to get underway so that a prior trauma will be reawakened within the person somewhere along the line, and then they will have to reckon with the unfinished business of healing.

In the same way, a positive attribute to contribute to the life mission of a scholar, someone on the frontier of investigation as a researcher to plumb the depths of knowledge and add to it in new ways, and particularly, when the subject matter is in a kind of vanguard, not fully accepted or even ridiculed by the mainstream, it takes quite a combination of fortitude and curiosity as well as the requisite intuitive abilities to obtain enough truth about things, to maintain an interest and willingness to go against the grain, and persist with a long-term enterprise bringing new knowledge into the world that some might find troubling or even anathema, based on their preconceived notions and well‑entrenched beliefs. This was a hallmark of both Allan Kardec and Karl Mollison as the same being coming back into the fray from even earlier excursions to help humanity, and wanting to bring forth new knowledge, and to be a spokesperson and advocate for embracing the unusual and seeking a deeper understanding—that is what you see in the styles of the approach used in both cases with these differing lifetimes.

The concentration and focus, to begin with, on the spirit realm was the mission for both excursions, and to add to that knowledge a deeper understanding of the role of reincarnation in governing all that happens in the coming and going of a soul to and from the light time after time after time, to help explore the reality and deeper purpose for such a paradigm, and that is now coming into better focus with Karl's return. He has our full support, as Allan Kardec did back then, but of course the backdrop is different, the body of knowledge that has accumulated since then has helped progress things further, and Karl is coming in with new capabilities not enjoyed by Allan during his sojourn in the physical, in particular, a greater personal intuitive reach and ability to channel. That has allowed making greater strides in not being dependent on others with varying agendas and abilities that inevitably will color the information in certain respects and add further complexity in understanding the phenomena under study.

This has allowed Karl to reach out to us, The Creator of All That Is, and this will provide the ultimate in divine wisdom for the enterprise and the wherewithal to do all that is allowable under the rules of engagement that still apply to the mission. The major obstacle being we cannot provide you with a unilateral compendium of knowledge about all you might be seeking. As in Kardec's day, Karl must go to the well with cogent questions that are penetrating and insightful to build on current knowledge and awareness incrementally, and that is a painstaking and demanding process, but it is essential because we cannot lead or prove our existence by stepping out too greatly in front of his thinking, but augment it. As a representative of the divine human race, he has the burden and responsibility of being a spokesperson and a seeker of truth and will only be granted what has been earned by his level of insight, understanding, and preparation for the task of gaining hard-won learning.

So his preparation for this incarnation was significant in helping to hone his capabilities to be sure he was up to the task and would continue having the requisite passion and dedication any undertaking like this requires, to spend years and years at developing the ability to connect, and then the knowledge base to focus in on the important aspects in the highest and best way. Few can do this even after years of effort, because of the level of ignorance people start from and the rigor and level of intellect, let alone intuitive reach, required to be successful.