DWQA QuestionsCategory: ReincarnationBenjamin Franklin said, “If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail!” Can Creator share why pre-birth incarnation planning in the divine realm is so important? What are the common primary considerations and goals? Who participates in this planning?
Nicola Staff asked 4 years ago
The pre-life planning done in the light prior to an incarnation of a soul into another lifetime is a major event and a key process to ensure the person has the best possible platform, in the best possible setting, with the best possible family environment as well as other factors to be orchestrated at particular milestones to guide the individual towards the primary goals and intentions for the lifetime. For example, having mentors or colleagues come into their orbit and meet so they can go to work together or form a lasting friendship that is a source of strength and critical assistance during dark times, and also many love relationships being planned in advance. This is often, all of it, to work on past failures, so it is not these are all blessings that will bring great advantages and catapult the person forward by assisting them in fundamental ways to make life easy. Many times the pre-arranged meetings and renewed relationships are specifically intended to right wrongs from the past when the contact between the individuals met with failure because of a breakdown of communication or a transgression of some kind leading to a falling out or worse, the possible injury or death of someone as the end result of a dispute. There is always attention given to the needs for healing of prior karmic obligations and debt incurred by a person in their prior lifetimes. Keeping up with the karma is a daunting task given that there have been typically many, many lifetimes of tragedy and failure so all are behind the curve, so to speak, having quite a pileup of negative karmic experiences needing healing and repair to surmount the karmic backlash that will likely be underway in each new lifetime. Unless there are special circumstances to prevent this, everyone is at risk of their former doings catching up with them and intruding on the best-laid plans and interfering with their lives in serious ways to perhaps even derail them entirely if they end up, for example, behind bars or if they fail in school to advance where they need to, or they amass a fortune but then lose it through a series of poor choices, or being attacked by someone they have had karmic run-ins with before. All such calamities can derail a life, for all practical purposes, to leave people embittered, suffering, and alone in many cases. This adds further to the karmic lessons underway, but that is small consolation for anyone in that predicament. At least half the time, people do make progress in bringing healing to bear these days for the karmic events that are reawakened in a new life. So planning to work on them is a high priority in the pre-life planning that is done in the light before launching forth as an infant to return to the fray, so to speak. This is done in coordination with the higher self as an extension of the soul— the soul as a whole of that person whose soul portion is to reconstitute in a new incarnation. There are guides assigned for the duration to work with the person once they are in the physical and provide a link to the divine as well for guidance, support, and extra protection as well as guardian angels who will be on duty for the duration. In addition, those key figures who will be instrumental in bringing about the desired milestones for the life purpose will be a part of the process, either those individuals themselves if they are not yet incarnated either but planning to do so in parallel, or their higher selves will touch base to be sure things are on track in the case of parents, for example, who will be having the soul in question as an offspring. All of those discussions are done in advance prior to the impregnation of the mother to bring that life forth. There is always a two-way agreement and a multiway agreement in actuality between the two parents biologically and the incoming soul. This will be extended to include others in the immediate family group, all of whom have a say in approving the new soul to come into their family. As you can appreciate, this can be a quite involved discussion with many things envisioned and planned for to try as best all can to achieve desired goals for healing old hurts and disappointments and gain the greatest benefit from the renewed association in sharing another physical life together. Creator as well will participate in the pre‑life planning because this is supervised and overseen by the Almighty every step of the way. The Scriptures say quite directly that "God is within you," and that is literally the case all during physical life. So this is the case as well during your sojourn in the light and while planning for a new excursion. The second reason for all this preparation is that of equal importance for every person is to construct an outline for how they might contribute to Creator’s plan for the divine human, in what way they can bring to bear love on behalf of all their fellow family members because all humans are interlinked in a soul family and come into life again and again to advance the soul evolution, growth, and learning of humanity as a whole starting from whatever part of it they can influence in their local sphere. This is not taken for granted and left for the person to improvise. There are always plans put in place as to what they will be doing with their time and efforts—whether to focus on a particular career, to learn a certain type of information to best prepare them to be of service in some way, perhaps by fitting into a mainstream role of caregiver, or as a teacher or a counselor, or someone in professions involved with scholarship, research, and so on. In all spheres of human activity there is a need for people in spiritual alignment who can help remind others of spiritual obligations and perspectives not necessarily with a religious injunction or reference, but simply telling the truth in how they see ongoing plans and intentions as to their ethics and divine alignment, in effect, whether they will help or hurt those involved and the people beyond them and make everyone aware of the potential long-term consequences of starting on a dark path. This is how human progress has been made through the ages by new arriving souls bringing in fresh perspectives having come from the divine realm and being in divine alignment at the outset. This does not necessarily last and this is the great challenge in society always: "Will people be effective in advancing and meeting their goals or will they falter, struggle, and perhaps fail entirely to advance themselves or others?" Ideally, it will be both, but many, many fall by the wayside because their disconnection is too great to find their way back to a sense of the divine, its reality, and form a partnership to maximize their effectiveness in meeting the planned goals of the lifetime and conducting their mission successfully.