DWQA QuestionsCategory: Extraterrestrial AgendaBecause the plan appears to be that humanity is going to be turned over to the control of the alien Greys, is there some form of karmically acceptable tool we could use to create a weakening of the ability of the alien Greys to prey on us? What is their “kryptonite,” so to speak?
Nicola Staff asked 3 years ago
There will always be karmic consequences. This is true in altering anything, including things in the environment. So everything does have consciousness, and that is true of alien Greys as well.  Their constituent materials have consciousness, they themselves have conscious awareness and can project this intuitively. So they have forms of advanced consciousness that are, in a sense, a replica of the human functioning intuitive apparatus, but it is not linked to a soul and so there is not a deep connection or a deep expression of the greater reach enjoyed by human in having love-based emotion as the foundation. This changes things greatly. So there is an appreciation for accomplishment and achievement, but it is more due to matching programmed standards and checklist-like performance levels. And this is done in a joyless fashion, simply through rote subservience to the program requirements and will be pursued automatically and tirelessly in whatever Greys are assigned to do. They are not like people. The essence of humanity is missing in them. The difference between humans and the Greys themselves, is a continued source of conflict for them that is met with a kind of disbelief and puzzlement because they are trying to solve the dilemma of the mismatch in focus and the responses of humans in comparison to themselves. So they see the differences but do not fully appreciate what they represent because they cannot feel love. They wish to solve this problem by engineering it, but still do not fully grasp the consequence of what love can do and what its absence truly represents. So they are observing the difference between the species here, but do not fully appreciate it. This leaves them in the dark and at a disadvantage for truly understanding what they are missing. This cannot be shown or explained to them either. There is no yardstick, there is no measurement tool. When feeling is lacking, there is no substitute.  It is like describing a color to the colorblind. There is nothing in their language or perceptions that would really illustrate for them what is meant. There is nothing that truly substitutes for the actual experiencing of color through the normal means. It is the same with the emotions and the emotional apparatus enjoyed by human. The type of frustration they can experience by being thwarted is built in by their programming, so they will have a low tolerance for inefficiency and a low tolerance for failure.  This keeps them motivated to keep working.  So when humans respond in an unpredictable fashion, this triggers something akin to consternation for them and they can become somewhat frustrated and agitated in having things not running smoothly as expected and as dictated by the program expectations.  Humans in their unpredictability and in their emotionality, both, are a challenge for them because they cannot predict for themselves how humans will behave and this is very difficult for them to manage. They are used to understanding things and carrying things out with precision based on logical parameters predefined and pre-determined by their understanding of the world. And within their domain, all follows the expected patterns. The Arcturians simply do not engage with them in higher-level functioning situations or put such demands on them. They use them as low-level minions to carry out labor and routine duties of all kinds but not when creativity is required or any kind of deep thinking and awareness. Humans operate that way, but do it through feeling and this is not very well-articulated in a common expression that the alien Greys can understand and translate into something that fits their paradigms. So they are virtually in the dark in understanding what humans do and how they do it. This creates some wear and tear on them. And what this represents is a potential fatigue factor for them as well in dealing with their human charges. It will be difficult for them because they lack the higher-level intelligence of the other players in the Extraterrestrial Alliance. So if they are left to their own devices to manage humanity, things will not go well and they will be seriously challenged and then will have to decide at some point to constrain humans drastically in order to maintain order. This they may well do and if they give up on their quest for genomic exploration of the basis for human soul, there will be little interest in preserving humans as they serve no purpose other than as raw material for genetic research and some behavioral research to understand the consequences of certain gene expression patterns. So humans are useful as lab animals to them but little else.