Creating an experience is always a more effective teaching tool than rote learning exercises and this is the major fault of the educational system young people are subjected to for years and years. It is learning in a vacuum separate from the real world, and having little perceived value other than getting by because it is demanded of them, but not because they value the experience and the knowledge gained. It is only when they are in the real world, with the adults, having positions of some responsibility where they are taking on a role, producing something of value, and being paid accordingly that they will appreciate the skills and knowledge they have gained, such as they are, from the educational system.
In actuality, they will end up learning much more while on the job than what they learned in the many years of preparation beyond the basics of language and understanding of the material world, and some of the scientific principles involved in understanding energy and the various roles in life and what has happened through history that puts things in perspective about what is at stake, and what one can expect living in society, beyond what students already know from being part of a family unit in most cases. When people are involved in thinking more deeply, as though they were part of an experience, it will become more real, and by identifying with the protagonists, will relate it to themselves personally in a more practical way, and then will be forced to reckon with what various aspects and issues create in calling on their own inner beliefs in making decisions about making something happen. So this will engage them on a deep level and will add truly to their learning and understanding in a way simply hearing facts will not.
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