DWQA QuestionsCategory: Limiting BeliefsAtheist evolutionists have a tendency to showcase theory as fact. Matt McCormick wrote, “(Experts)… have now converged on the view that evolution favored hyperactive agency detection devices (HADD). The basic idea is there is survival benefit to detecting or attributing agency or intentionality to many things in our environment. ‘It is better to mistake a boulder for a bear, than a bear for a boulder.’ Mistaking too many things as conscious agents is a helpful error since detecting too few of them can be deadly.” McCormick speculates that this is why we are so quick to believe in brainless consciousness. We can’t help it. McCormick writes, “The prevailing view is that seeing manifestations of God’s conscious will, desires, and goals in the world is a byproduct of HADD.” What is Creator’s perspective?
Nicola Staff asked 3 years ago
Here again is narrow-minded thinking and a kind of presumptuousness, to take a miracle of creation and think of it as little more than an acronym, a very limited and primitive demonstration of pattern recognition within the working of the brain in what the mind is perceiving and reacting to. The reality is the world is filled with many conscious intentions of great elegance and purpose of all kinds, at all levels, among the beings in nature, and this includes plants and microorganisms, all of whom have consciousness and exhibit an ability to interact with the environment with purpose and more perception and consequence than still given credit to by science. This is simply taking a scientifically observable phenomenon of pattern recognition, and its interpretation, and generalizing it as representing one of those random good fortunes that happened to give people a wherewithal to survive in the natural world, through a series of such fortunate random mutations, that allowed cobbling together a working capability to navigate with purpose and survive, in taking care of themselves long enough to reproduce. This is a good illustration of reductionism, as a biased assumption of science, that because everything came from nothing, even the most complex organism and its actions can be dissected and the component parts be sorted out, and their genetic predisposition even traced through a comparison of the gene makeup of many organisms to see where it might have arisen first, and then handed down through the evolutionary process going from something primitive to something more complex and even elegant. All of this flies against logic and reason, on the part of biologists, to make the sweeping assumptions and pre-interpret all the data to fit the prior bias, to arrive at a reasonable intellectual outcome supporting their theory, when in fact the data do not fit and actually can be interpreted as the very opposite of their contention, as we have described, that everything you have was predesigned and brought into being during a creation event by a greater intelligence than yours. So, in a sense, they are taking the idea of God and dissecting that, and by seeing a semblance of intelligence, creativity, and even reducing them to their merest basic component parts, as though that is all they represent, a lucky combination of chance events bringing about something useful and nothing more, that there is nothing really exalted or divine in the existence of love, it simply is convenient and useful, and assumed to be a product of evolution, when in fact it is the reason you exist in the first place, as you were created to spread love through the universe, giving and receiving, to deal with things like evil. That is Creator's Plan, not a random consequence of evolution, that you so often find yourselves facing obstacles greater than yourselves and need to find a way to surmount them, to come out on top. That quest is represented all through literature, reflecting the workings of human culture and the rise of individuals who are special and leave a mark that is a much deeper and more profound purpose than simply needing to breathe, find food, and reproduce the species. Science will never understand the divine using scientific tools of the kind assumed to be productive, but are simply scratching the surface of a very deep and vast creation more wondrous than you can imagine or will be discerned, through physical systems brought to bear by physical beings when, like consciousness, the energies transcend the physical to begin with.