DWQA QuestionsCategory: Extraterrestrial SpiritsAsked with my thoughts while channeling: Can you please intercede to prevent the manipulation and subversion of this meditation exercise?
Nicola Staff asked 3 years ago
As you are requesting this, we will do so. We will step in and protect those participating in the mass meditation, to shield such energies and to counteract any attempts at programming the participants adversely for what is not highest and best. This is a perfect illustration of the reach of the individual. The questioner could do the same through calling out to us with a request, and so it was a missed opportunity and a perfect illustration of how disempowered people feel in always looking to another to protect, defend, instruct, enlighten, and shield from harm. All can become effective advocates for their own betterment and cause the divine realm to spring into action to help in all manner of ways. There is a requisite belief needing to be in place—a belief in the divine, a belief in their worthiness to ask, and that it can and will happen, because there are genuine uncertainties for many who have lived with corruption for so long and are out of practice in doing prayer and having confidence in the outcome. This can be sidestepped by having a group as a whole make such a request for protection and guidance and ongoing support, to further enlighten and uplift, and to echo their desires for their purpose, for the betterment of the planet or humanity as a whole. This will increase the likelihood of divine action, simply because the sheer numbers add together their individual belief quotients which will readily exceed 100%. This is the power of group prayer as well as group meditation. It is the same recognition of the power in numbers and in unity. The focused attention of groups of individuals becomes very, very, powerful. And that is the major reason that most things happen through divine support and augmentation, and it is simply the case that the requisite 100% belief quotient is likelier to be there when summing the individual contributions of a group than might be the case with a single individual. This is not to dishearten or discourage anyone from doing the outreach. Chances are if they do so, someone else is doing this as well. You will never become successful with prayer if you do not practice. It is like any other activity that requires some skill and some seasoning to strengthen the muscles, so to speak. It is no different than any kind of human endeavor requiring some sort of capability, in this case an alignment of the heart with the intention for betterment, and then a deliberate and direct outreach and request to divine realm for assistance. Those are the key ingredients. All can participate and all can develop this capability. It is your birthright to partner with the divine realm as you are an extension already but do not know. It is time to re-learn these simple truths and to embrace your divinity. You have much more power available to you than you imagine.