DWQA QuestionsCategory: KarmaArriving at an advanced understanding of karma is not easy. We assume that everything in this universe begins and ends with the Creator of this universe. Recognizing there are other universes with their own Creators, and even levels of consciousness above Creator, we assume that the Law of Karma in this universe also begins and ends with the Creator of this universe. Is that true? We’ve heard Creator say that even Creator is subject to the Law of Karma. Is that just holding oneself to one’s own standards, or is Creator literally accountable to those layers of consciousness above Creator? Who keeps Creator accountable? There is a strong skepticism surrounding self-policing and holding oneself accountable as the only means of law enforcement. What can Creator tell us about where Creator’s karma begins and ends?
Nicola Staff asked 1 year ago
Yours is a bold question, to be sure, one that many in past eras would not dare to ask, confronting Creator as it does with a kind of intimation we might get called on the carpet and it might not be wise to even trust us, especially if we can create a karmic dilemma and are then subject to a higher level sanction. We do not take offense because we understand your desire is a sincere one, to understand karma on a very deep level, and it is through asking many probing and hypothetical questions that oftentimes allows us to reveal hidden truths. This is the challenge we put before you, after all, as a human being, to use all of your inner resources and creativity, to never rest with current knowledge but to go deeper, to question everything, and especially to look at things from every angle as the surest way to find something missing. We can perhaps reassure you, and perhaps not, by telling you that your karma begins and ends with us. It is our system of oversight and monitoring in the current Law of Karma that is being applied to all beings in the visible universe. It is our paradigm for helping, particularly those of you in the physical plane residing within the Milky Way Galaxy, because you are uniquely bound by the relaxed constraints of free agency and free will only, and that causes a delay in receiving a karmic comeuppance for wrongdoing as well as possible blessings from going above the norm to bestow loving kindness. You have come to learn this is a mixed blessing because the relaxation of the rules, which is really more a relaxation of the consequences while the rules have stayed the same otherwise, has allowed the rise of evil because perpetrators can, indeed, get away with quite a lot, at least for a time, and that might be many lifetimes given the dynamics underway. The first physical beings in creation with high intelligence had extraordinary wherewithal across the board, but this they have squandered, and it creates a great imbalance because, while they have enormous power and reach for doing things in the physical, they have lost their connection to divinity, and thus cannot be given the benefit of divine blessings and oversight, inspiration, and guidance to the same degree that you can as a human being. So while you are looking for answers through a deeper understanding that there might be more layers of oversight, and a higher and more refined level of karmic rules and implementation that perhaps could be invoked or an appeal made to step in and end the craziness, we must tell you it is we who are in charge, solely, here on this level. There are things we answer for to consciousness above our level as we have shared with you unreservedly, out of respect for who and what you represent. After all, you are a part of our consciousness and deserve to understand your dilemma, but we do have absolute authority over our domain, and while we consult with other sources of high intelligence and standing, they will not interfere in what is going on within your universe. While we set this universe in motion, it was with the intent for it to be successful, and we have done many things to keep it supported and to bring you along as our emissaries to deal with the problem of evil from within the physical plane, which is the only way it can be set right because this is a test of the paradigm underway. If evil triumphs, the paradigm will be a failure, and then all bets are off with respect to whether the universe might be recalled and started over after a reconfiguration yet again. In the meantime, we are simply telling you that we have integrity, we are honest, and we are unwavering in our conviction when we choose to do something or need to hold something back, for example, to honor human free will by not interfering even though it might save you. These are tough, tough lessons, and that is part of the exercise that must be endured for you to triumph. We have also told you that from where we sit we see you as being successful in winning out over the darkness in the end. If you keep going, and adding to the healing underway you are initiating from the human side, in the physical plane, that will provide the answer for solving the problem of evil and healing everyone and everything in harm's way. So while you have a burden and an obligation, both, to ensure your success, we have created that pathway for you and are championing your cause with many levels of support behind the scenes, enough to keep you going but with you still in a leadership role to initiate the positive steps needed for your success.