DWQA QuestionsCategory: Divine GuidanceAre there any hidden pitfalls or qualifiers that apply to the Third Divine Principle: “Honor the responsibility to family and to friends for the exchange of love, and fulfill commitments?”
Nicola Staff asked 6 years ago
Here again is due consideration of the human family as an interconnected whole, that one’s duty does not stop with the self or with a mate, but extends to many, many others as encountered in life, all of whom deserve respect and support with due consideration to limits on the self in what one can share or contribute in time or finances because of personal needs. There is much to be gained in viewing all humans as members of one’s family. This is the ideal because it is virtually a reality that all are not only on an equal footing, but are interconnected energetically and spiritually, and karmically as well. You are all brothers and sisters whether you accept this idea or not, it is the way of things, and will always be so. To harm any other human is a harm to one’s own soul and an affront to Divine Principle, and so the inclusion of a wider circle makes this point very explicitly that you are in this life together and have obligations to help everything reach a state of balance. Given the current world circumstances, this is a daunting challenge. We realize fully the extremes in living circumstances are a consequence of many, many karmic events over the centuries that have created great disparities and cultural differences contributing to the plight of those living in poverty or with adverse environments, where eking out an existence is particularly challenging and uncertain. In such a world, especially with the overlay of politics, there are many institutional constraints reinforcing the separations and divisions, so this is not an easy thing to correct, but it can start with the local environment of each person, and if each person views their circle as being special and needing their support and encouragement, it can spread outward, and this in time can restore balance to the whole. We understand this will take a great deal of time yet, but the sooner effort is made, the sooner the broad changes needed will reach a critical mass of energy and intention to overcome the great obstacles holding things in place. Here, too, is a challenge and an opportunity, and its solution will be, in effect, a final exam for the Divine Human Project.