DWQA QuestionsCategory: Extraterrestrial AbductionsAre the implants the extraterrestrials are putting in all young infants now, actually anchor chips you have told us about, or a more powerful anchor chip, or something in addition?
Nicola Staff asked 1 year ago
This can be considered a more powerful anchor chip. It is a multipurpose, multifunction, clandestine monitoring and manipulating intrusive technology that will enable the extraterrestrials to mine people for information, and influence them from a distance to act in ways inimical to their own interests, or the interests of others around them, to carry out specific plans and orchestrated missions. This is done on a wide scale; it is the main instrument of targeting directed to diminish people and keep them sidelined. The best way to do so is not only attack the person directly but have others around them go on the attack. That will hem them in and keep them helpless and floundering much of the time. Eventually, targeted people either give up or erupt in a backlash of frustration and anger, and that will be met with resistance and get them into trouble, and that is just fine with the interlopers because they win either way in corrupting society and intruding in an adverse way to hinder individual lives and their happiness and progress.