DWQA QuestionsCategory: Extraterrestrial Mind ControlAre the caravans of migrants flooding into the United States, over 300,000 during the last month of 2023 alone, following Pied Pipers? They are marching into the teeth of the Northern Hemisphere winter. Is mind control behind much of this?
Nicola Staff asked 1 year ago
This is an important missing piece in understanding the ongoing spectacle. It is so unusual it deserves wonderment, close inspection, and a deeper understanding, if only by psychologists and historians. Yet there is widespread complacency across institutions of science, learning, and government institutions charged with handling public affairs. That complacency is engineered to happen by mind control manipulation applied universally to people everywhere via the usual means of your technology, that whenever you are looking at a screen you are being programmed subliminally with all kinds of messaging including manipulations to make you complacent, dull your curiosity, and soothe and prevent any sense of alarm about something unusual taking place but simply to walk away unconcerned, being falsely reassured everything is in hand and being taken care of when such is not the case. By the same token, the hordes of migrants are being manipulated through deep subconscious programming to be complacent about the daunting prospects of making a journey of such great distances, largely on foot, and likely encountering many hazards and an uncertain future. Even with the glowing reputation of the U.S. as "The Land of Opportunity," anyone seeing any kind of news coverage about U.S. politics and the passing scene will know that the U.S. has its problems, including racial unrest and likely class prejudice and other liabilities. So one of the truly surprising things here is how many people are seemingly throwing caution to the wind and simply trusting all they need to do is arrive across the border and everything else will be manageable. So the analogy we would make is these hordes of migrants are acting truly like lemmings who might go off a cliff without stopping. This is not a judgment or criticism but simply noting the remarkable nature of leaving home for a faraway land and trusting to luck for the most part. As you have seen from reporter interviews, many of the migrants seem to have little in the way of a plan. They might have a city in mind but cannot say why. That, too, is a characteristic of mind control manipulation, that people are just bent on carrying out some activity, and perhaps ardently or even violently, even in the absence of a detailed knowledge of why that might be needed and a valid action to take. Beyond a kind of propaganda talking point, that is not much to risk one's life for. The use of mind control manipulation is another reason this will be difficult to slow down or stop until forceful action is taken to stem the tide.