This is a troubled individual. She took umbrage at treatment during the time she was a congressional aide because Senator Biden was overfamiliar with her as he often is with females. It is his nature to be highly personable and is a touchy-feely sort of person. There is a tendency to overreach during such encounters to get a little extra enjoyment from it, but not to the extent of a frank sexual assault of the type she describes now. The weak link in her chain of evidence is that there will not be contemporaneous corroboration of the actual physical details she now says happened. That is an exaggeration that was implanted in her mind by the Extraterrestrial Alliance to worsen the actual historical event and create another way to load the dice against the Democrat presidential candidate to maintain President Trump in office. Whether this will have a significant impact on the election will be debated but will not make much difference as he is quite a weak candidate already having multiple liabilities, and this will become increasingly evident as time goes by, so the issue of this accuser is practically a moot point.
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