DWQA QuestionsCategory: Lightworker Healing ProtocolAre my new Lightworker Healing Protocol requests worded correctly? Are there any inadequacies or errors we need to know about?
Nicola Staff asked 6 years ago
What you have put together will work quite nicely. You have streamlined, consolidated, and shored up the missing pieces and put the critical defining characteristics and goals at the very outset, which is safest to do. That way, the divine realm has a clear mandate when the practitioner is fresh in launching the session, and the intention is strong and the practitioner is not tired, which can happen along the way. You will refine things quite nicely as you go through in your careful fashion to look at each step in the Protocol with this fresh perspective and then look at the individual ones as well and think about how they might be adapted and varied. So this has been very, very, productive and will be a major contribution, and as we predicted all along, this Protocol in the advanced form will be the answer for survival of humanity to achieve a removal of the interlopers plaguing human progress, and then the delivery of adequate healing to fully prepare humanity for the ascension that has been long promised now. The good times are directly ahead and will be wonderful for you and all your family. Things will be getting better and better steadily from here on out.