DWQA QuestionsCategory: ReligionsAre Evangelical Christians and other fundamentalist believers being manipulated into embracing their dark beliefs by extraterrestrial mind control?
Nicola Staff asked 3 years ago
This is a brilliant insight and in retrospect, seems obvious as is true for most great ideas, once they come, one is amazed it took so long to have the notion, but this is a logical extension of the reality of things that all are being manipulated constantly to worsen the society at all levels. Knowing that religions have been corrupted to introduce false teachings, especially things of a negative nature, and things that cast the Divine in a bad light, the idea that the Extraterrestrial Alliance would stop with corrupting ancient scriptures and then leave all humans thereafter on their own to do as they wished with their beliefs, when it comes to religion, is truly naïve in the extreme. The fact is, all religions are heavily mind manipulated, heavily manipulated through subconscious programming to reinforce, to the extent possible, the darker aspects—to cause personal qualms about one's standing and acceptability, to raise doubt about one's self in contrast to the lofty divine standards the religions espouse, and on and on. The exercise then is to diminish and disempower all who worship. While many religious teachings can be inspiring, this requires some careful hand-selection to showcase those aspects that are positive and uplifting, and to dispense with negative teachings of judgment and punishment, and the wages of sin and so forth. It is not that bad conduct is to be ignored. It is that the Divine is love-based and does not engage in retribution and the inflicting of punishment on anyone. People punish themselves through their own choices, but that is their doing and not ours. So all religions are monitored, their followers are visited quite actively to manipulate them in every way possible, to embrace the darker precepts of their faith and to undermine them spiritually, emotionally, mentally and physically in every way they can think of. It is not that they fear the power of the Almighty coming through humans who are believers, it is that they fear the consciousness humans have within and the extra power that comes when people band together in common cause and put their minds into focus on a common desired outcome. The Extraterrestrial Alliance knows full well that sometimes this makes things happen they do not wish to see. That is why so much attention is given to driving wedges in between people—the promotion of warring factions who disagree, sometimes violently in their perspectives. Everything that fosters human discord and human negativity will encourage rebellion, discord, and chaotic actions of all kinds that will disrupt that unity that gives extra power to the individual when banded together with other humans as in prayer. This is the main reason religions have not evolved over the ages, but remain hidebound, clinging to ancient scripture as the be-all and end-all of knowledge, thought, wisdom, and possibility. Nothing is further from the truth because the plan of Creator is a universal expansion without limits. How long must humans wait before they expand their thinking when it comes to the spiritual horizons? It is quite telling that the entirety of the New Age Spiritual Movement presents a mirror image of the dilemma. People are unsatisfied with the current level of clarity, focus, and degree of non-alignment with divine principles in the very religion they belong to. This is why the New Age Movement gained such traction, because so many religious followers have become disaffected by the stagnation they experienced. Every other human endeavor seeks change for the better, seeks an evolutionary discovery of better and better ways to see and do things—new opportunities, new breakthroughs in understanding, and higher awareness, whether at a physical, materialist, technological, pragmatic understanding or a better way to conduct societal affairs where there is greater fairness, a true sharing, and equitable treatment, and compassion for those who are unfortunate to have liabilities of some kind. There are many moral issues and ethical considerations in governance that benefit from a spiritual perspective that is not bound by ancient rules and primitive thinking. Yet that has not been happening. It is all a consequence of the special attention given to the religious arena to hold everyone back who participates by manipulating their thoughts and their inner beliefs as well.