DWQA QuestionsCategory: Non-Local ConsciousnessAre emotions an intrinsic property of all consciousness? Can a rock feel pain, joy, anger, etc? If so, how?
Nicola Staff asked 9 months ago
Emotions are basic soul attributes and, being a very significant part of us as well, will be present everywhere in everything that has consciousness. In the physical plane, all are projections of our own being and, as such, will mimic the larger aggregate of our makeup, at least to varying degrees. So while emotions exist in everything, you also must keep in mind that things will vary in their ability to experience emotions fully, and certainly may differ compared to what a human being experiences emotionally. After all, you are flesh and blood with a rich repertoire of physiologic responses to your feelings. That has importance for your very survival, being in a fragile state, and also needing to learn as much as you can as quickly as you can, hence your mobility and somewhat volatile nature wanting to make things happen, be a part of things, engage with a soul imperative to be a change agent, in addition. Those soul attributes are important for your life mission, as human beings, to right the wrongs from the workings of evil and heal the perpetrators who perpetuate evil in your galaxy. That is work that cannot be done by inanimate objects that nonetheless consist of consciousness and have an awareness, but they are less vulnerable and they are less personal with a vested interest and a selfish need to serve themselves compared to the aggregate of similar substance. A rock will have come from a larger aggregate of similar material; it does have a sense of this; it has a sense of the passage of time; it has a sense of the environment much more keenly than you do because it uses its nonlocal consciousness exclusively, lacking a physical brain like an animal has, humans included. Many indigenous peoples, who attuned themselves to nature with their intuition, came away recognizing the innate wisdom of Gaia in its various aspects, not only the wisdom of the trees, in having a hierarchy and a communal agenda, but the wisdom of the mountains and the waterways, and could sense the depth of knowledge acquired through a vast life experience. This is quite understandable given that the Earth is billions of years old and much of what is present currently has been there from the beginning. There is a sharing of wisdom as well. That is part of the ecosystem, not just that waste products of one life form might serve as nutrition for another, or their very bodies to be consumed, but an interplay of consciousness much akin to listening to a concert on a summer's eve, that all in Gaia will have an awareness of the sum total of existence and will be watching and learning from all that it witnesses. This is true growth and progression, and this is why your planet is special, because it is a living laboratory of consciousness that is ever-expanding, whereas there are many rocky planets devoid of water or a useful atmosphere for the support of life that remain barren and little changing, so the opportunities for expansion are meager. Your world is quite special, in contrast, and there is much you can learn from Gaia, still, through the work of intuitives interested in exploring that library of knowledge that has accumulated.