DWQA QuestionsCategory: Lightworker Healing ProtocolAnother way of asking about rates of healing and capacity that would help us understand what is possible to do in a practical period of time, is to know how long would it take to have the divine realm do a Lightworker Healing Protocol session on each human being on the planet, if a request for this to be done in increments was launched by a single practitioner capable of supporting a 30-client session?
Nicola Staff asked 6 years ago
In actuality, a session could be done for each and every person on the planet daily, let alone every other day. This can be expanded to include all in the mix, all the locations they may visit or spend time at, as well as any lost soul spirits who have accumulated, they are aware of during their lifetime, as well as all pet animals. So this can include all of the perpetrators as well who are associated through interactions, direct and indirect, as this is also a part of the Protocol and a quite important and necessary component of the healing. So truly the only limitation here is the race against time to do enough sessions at a reasonable pace to turn the tide in fending off the darkness encroaching on humanity. This is the uncertain aspect at the moment, but you can see now, with the expanded capability through doing the incremental subgroup approach with no limit from the side of divine realm to handle requests from as many practitioners as make them, there can be a nice rate of progress overall to begin to peel away the layers of corruption, and restore greater and greater inner balance and awareness of divine principles, and developing a renewed resonance and willingness to embrace the divine path for those who have strayed. This indeed is why we told you a long time ago that your work would be the answer for the saving of humanity from the coming plan for human annihilation. This will explain for the first time, why this could be, considering your concerns about spreading the word fast enough and even with a large army of practitioners, the tasks seem too daunting because of the sheer numbers of individual subjects needing attention, even just among the perpetrators, let alone the more than seven billion human beings currently living in the physical. You do need to be diligent, and keep going, and work as efficiently and effectively as you can to spread the word and promote the advanced version of your Protocol. There will still need to be many practitioners contributing here to get the requisite number of sessions being performed. What this does is to amplify the overall healing because there are many steps in the Protocol that can be done with greater frequency than might be the case with others. This too can be factored in, and this will speed things up, but does require quite a lot of diligence and special care taken by the members of divine realm responsible for bringing the healing about.