DWQA QuestionsCategory: Non-Local ConsciousnessAnother GetWisdom member expressed frustration with trying to fully grasp the workings of karma in our galaxy. In an effort to help, we will explore some properties of consciousness in this episode. We have been learning a great deal lately about “soul attributes,” the many properties that make us human but are expressed to varying degrees, making each soul unique. In addition to these characteristics, is there a basic aspect of consciousness that is present universally in all souls alike? What can Creator tell us?
Nicola Staff asked 9 months ago
There is a basic energy that is a component of consciousness, bringing it about, maintaining its existence, and the wherewithal for the interconnectedness that is ever‑present in all of what we have called "nonlocal consciousness" because it is present everywhere at once. This seems paradoxical and an impossibility to the physical-based being experiencing a finite reality that is demarcated by the reach and grasp of the physical body and its senses—sight, hearing, touch, and so on—when the vastness of the universe you have come to know truly humbles that small sphere of awareness and influence. This is why your consciousness is a much more profound phenomenon. In a sense, it is somewhat like the Internet, ever-present and omnipresent. This is how you can connect to anyone, anywhere, instantly, and they to you. There needs to be an intention to define where you wish to go, what to look for, as well as being able to recognize it when you have found it. It is all driven by intention. So the basic supporting framework for this web of consciousness is an intrinsic energetic portion comprised of consciousness itself in a shared capacity available to all, much as the Internet serves the global society for all who connect to it and begin making queries and searching for information, and so on. The details of its workings are beyond human awareness and ability to grasp, and there are no words as yet in the human language to enumerate the mechanisms and components creating this truly magnificent and awesome functionality, that is at once universal and personal, a seeming paradox, but it speaks to the exquisite refinement and powerful reach that are both a feature of what it is and how it operates.