DWQA QuestionsCategory: Extraterrestrial Mind ControlAn Internet group inviting participants to do meditation and manifesting for advancement of humanity [name withheld] appears to be a very appropriate and divine-level description of where humanity needs to be and will reach with enough enlightenment, except they do not actually mention God anywhere. Have they been corrupted by mind control to keep the focus on a human do-it-yourself project that ignores divine resources that are available?
Nicola Staff asked 7 years ago
Unfortunately, this is very much the case. They are very well-meaning and deeply spiritual individuals, but they have been herded into the same corral as many, many, others who are spiritual and have an awareness of the current problems and lack of solutions being available by the mainstream, but have been co-opted by the mind control of all spiritual leaders that human co-creative power is sufficient to solve any problem, and all that is needed is enough people wanting to manifest the same thing to bring it into being. This in fact can happen, but is much less likely to occur in the absence of divine assistance, and in particular when there is opposition to their co-creation, the odds will drop to the point of vanishing altogether. The extraterrestrial adversaries are quite masterful in orchestrating humans and human behavior, and manipulating them en masse as well as individually. They know how you think, they know what you feel, and how to manipulate both thoughts and emotion, and mount an effective propaganda campaign to encourage wishful thinking and to keep people complacent; waiting endlessly for a positive result that never comes, but still feeling they are seeing signs and sensing things are happening, and may be given fresh impulsed encouragement to that effect to keep the game going and keep people focused on their make-work project, expecting great things, and waiting patiently to see when they will appear. This is a simple solution for the extraterrestrials to divert those of danger, who are mainly in the spiritual community and are able to think somewhat more independently, by rounding them up into such an exercise and convincing them they have now done what is needed to take care of the current situation. They are, in effect, taken out of action altogether because the make-work project will fall short and they will feel they are already making their contribution. And of course they do have their lives to attend to, their other responsibilities to make a living, to take care of their family, and so on. This is not to point fingers or find fault with these fine individuals and their followers, all of whom are well-meaning and people of high principle. It is merely a tragedy of wasted resources, and this is how things remain in place for the most part. It is that the disinformation campaigns are highly effective. There are enough people who are awake enough to do what is needed, but they are simply taken out of action by misdirecting them into reaching for false answers and participating in a kind of make-work effort that is doomed at the outset to be ineffective, but they do not realize this. Once people have become convinced they no longer need to appeal to Creator, they will lose momentum and their reach will be much more limited. And this is because they are not light beings anymore, they are physical humans and their power is greatly attenuated. They do not have their normal reach, so they have their lofty notions, they have their history of doing works of stupendous consequence and spectacular effect, but not as physical human, only as light beings. This they cannot re-create in the human form as yet. This will only happen if the divine human project is successful and the corruption of the divine human is removed.