As improbable as it seems, this, in fact, is the case. This was a psychic attack, to be sure, not because she truly desired his demise in this way traceable to her and wanting this brought about knowing that it would be so. But the intensity of the feelings behind this declaration was sizeable and that is what launched it as a true attack, to go out into his energy and impinge on him and this was recorded on the akashic record and his subconscious took this message in and was reacting to it in the deep part of the subconscious. By having this in his awareness, in a sense, he was drawn closer to the idea of a train coming close and this caused him to set up circumstances where that would be more likely and, in fact, caused an accident. It was a low-level occurrence in terms of consequences because there was no true death wish, only a fervent desire to see him reined in somehow and was said in exasperation, not as a command to the universe to take him out, so to speak.
This type of reaction is why death curses can be effective. Human consciousness has power and it will also be ramped up by spirit meddler attachments, and that is, in fact, what took place here. There was collaboration between the intention of the psychic attack and his onboard spirit attachments seeing this on record and seeing him approach a train crossing and serving to distract him so he would not be watchful, and oblivious to an oncoming train because his mind was so heavily preoccupied with a distraction they engineered to happen at just the wrong time, and it was only good fortune that kept this from being a fatal collision and only a minor one. That was his spirit team in action to help keep things from doing their worst, because that was truly not called for based on the energies involved. It was the orchestration of the darkness bringing this about, not a true karmic imperative for him to suffer as a result of this declaration at least, so there was a balancing that kept this enough in check his life was spared.
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