DWQA QuestionsCategory: Human CorruptionAlbert Einstein famously said, “The difference between stupidity and genius, is that genius has its limits.” What is Creator’s perspective?
Nicola Staff asked 3 years ago
To the average person, this seems like a very mundane question. Why look at the nature of stupidity? It seems so obvious, it is simply lack of intelligence, lack of discernment, a sense of being able to judge the merit of something, understand its component parts, and fit it into the context of a discussion or issue. This is the way people grow and begin to solve problems. When stupidity is not only possible but a central feature of the culture, on a percentage basis, exhibited by human beings, this seems quite ordinary to you because you are so used to it and it seems simply to be reality, the way things are, and something that has developed by default. We see the opposite. There is a huge deficiency in human culture and performance of individuals, both singly and collectively. That lack of capability in how people think and act that would categorize them as "behaving stupidly" is a reflection of something deeply wrong. It is not a design flaw in the human makeup that leaves so many lagging behind, and a lesser number who excel, and an even smaller number who reach true heights of intelligence and creativity, there is something sinister at work here. The reality is, humans are being subjugated. This is very much akin to a bad climate that stifles everything it contains. It is much like humanity is in a stupor, half asleep, moving slowly, and often forgetting rather quickly what has happened only recently and seeming to learn little from it in order to advance. The end result being, society witnesses an endless repetition of mistakes, outlandish behavior, and counterproductive and even illegal conduct. It is almost a given that the majority of criminals, even when arrested and punished, will reoffend, seeming to not have learned anything from that punishment sufficient to help them avoid a repeat experiencing. So to many, this easily classifies as "stupid behavior" and a lack of intelligence behind it so people cannot learn from their mistakes but are condemned to repeat them, and this fits in with the basic dictionary definition of being unintelligent and acting in a careless fashion that gets one into repeated trouble. The missing piece here is there is something sinister about the magnitude of the problem. There is nothing faulty about the human brain, the fault lies with how it is used, and the limitations are largely imposed from without by interlopers seeking to subjugate you and everything you do on a planetwide basis. There is a blanket of numbing fog layered over everything that makes people dull and very complacent so they will not sense anything is amiss, even as they are slow to respond even to danger, let alone interesting observations and experiences that would normally pique the curiosity and get some excitement going, and act as a spur to exploration and serious scholarship to better understand the intriguing phenomena that have been witnessed or even heard about. But in today's world, it is hard to arouse curiosity in others. It almost takes a personal grievance to get people's attention, and even that will be for a limited duration before their mind drifts away again and they move on to something else. This is not normal but is orchestrated to be the way things are. It is a large factor in keeping humanity from advancing more rapidly. When the majority of people think and act stupidly, significant gains on any front that would contribute to overall progress simply will not happen to a significant degree, except quite incrementally over a long span of time. This is the quagmire you are in, not only a sea of ignorance, but an atmosphere of dulling inertia and complacency, and this is a quite serious problem needing to be solved.