DWQA QuestionsCategory: Problems in SocietyAirplane pilots need to know which way the wind is blowing before attempting a takeoff. To do this, they will lick their finger and stick it into the air. This same kind of “check,” to see which way the “right consensus” is thinking, is observed almost everywhere. Another analogy would be to think of people walking around with a mini satellite dish on their head, that is connected 24-7 to their consensus database, like social media or a particular news outlet, so they’re never confused about what is “safe” information and what is “dangerous” information? What is Creator’s perspective of these analogies?
Nicola Staff asked 4 years ago
These are reasonable metaphors describing the phenomenology of group membership and consensus ideologies. They are readily created through the inner makeup of humans in wanting to belong somewhere and the default being choices that are most comfortable and least objectionable determining where people end up and who they spend time with. On one level this can potentially contribute to a less stressful and more rewarding life of enjoyment and happiness, because there are fewer complications that can take away from enjoyment in the moment through misunderstandings, points of friction that raise concerns, and cause people to harbor doubts and potentially lead to mistrust and a rejection of others. Much of that can be avoided when people actively seek their own kind, so to speak, and have basic group attributes as a kind of handle in order to tell who is who and whether they are similar or different, and therefore more or less acceptable as companions. While this streamlines society and its workings and adds a certain level of efficiency to things, it will be more a liability in an environment when the end goal is not progress and a smooth-running world where all can find a place to be comfortable and accepted by a group of like-minded individuals. In the current Earth environment, the objective is to find things to complain about and to dislike about others and to champion them as a cause célèbre, to speak out, to criticize, to condemn, and to a growing extent, to seek retribution or a way to punish those who are different for holding different views, thinking in a different way, and so on—that is where there is a departure from divine alignment in a serious way. It is inevitable that you will like some people more than others because of the innate differences and characteristics and backgrounds, personalities, and so forth. What is different and unhealthy now is that such differences are used to justify not only condemning those who are different but actually seeking to harm them in some way through social exclusion, through attacks on their reputations, their worth, and work actively to see they are ostracized, perhaps fired from their job, and shunned by the community. Humans were not created to be judges and juries of one another. The justice system is a human contrivance through necessity to help manage a dysfunctional world, but even though imperfect, the legal system follows a strict set of precepts and at least makes the attempt at fairness in the way it is constructed to have legal representation, time for presenting both sides of an argument, and many rules about the kinds of evidence that can be brought before a jury of one’s peers, all of which creates at least the possibility of fairness in adjudicating a dispute. When there is mob rule, all bets are off in what might happen and justice is rarely an end result. This, too, is why, in a legal sense, one person’s word against another is often viewed as insufficient to decide a dispute, because each side may have a vested interest that colors and distorts their thinking such that they cannot be trusted to be accurate and fair in bringing a grievance with accusations against another party. In such a setting both sides need to be heard by a dispassionate third party in the form of a judge or jury for any consistent fair outcome to be the order of the day. Much of that personal bias making humans an unreliable witness is the result of corruption by the interlopers. In the higher astral plane, light beings are in divine alignment almost constantly and when there is a difference of opinion, they will honor one another and never let things become a true clash of wills that could lead to any kind of harm. At worst, they will "agree to disagree" and go their own way with no hard feelings retained because they understand the big picture and are uncorrupted to have inner prejudice and biased thinking that has been ramped up with negative beliefs to feel compelling, both to believe in and act on—that is what leads to hatreds, acts of retribution, and even violence.