This was an interesting encounter, indeed, with a spirit meddler, a so-called demonic being, whose appearance was calculated to be repulsive and disturbing to any human perception, should that happen. This being was sizing you up, having been drawn to your energy and wanting to be an influence in a way that would cause you to drop your guard so it could gain an entrance into your energy and begin a process of manipulation. This was first and foremost, to drain your energy, and then cause harm, to ramp up more energy that could be siphoned off for personal use. In a sense, it was becoming a kind of imposter to engender a false sense of security and, in that way, it became more energetically in alignment with receptivity to the loving gestures you show your pet cat. And in doing so, this became an opportunity for the divine realm to impulse the spirit with a love feeling which was being projected from you This was unsettling and stirred things deep within this being, unaccustomed to any such thoughts, having become a savage predator of long standing. This illustrates even the dark ones are soul-based creations and can be influenced to at least be in touch with a projection of their origin in the form of a desire for nurturing, if not an ability to give it to others. But that is a first step in a potential return to love and shows that there is always a path back to divine alignment for even the most depraved and case-hardened beings. They are simply lost. This is why humanity needs to speak for them in requesting divine healing so they can be raised up and saved from a very dark fate, because they are unable to do this on their own at this point, and need an advocate for their rescue and deliverance from what would otherwise be an inevitable extinction through soul recycling.
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